Facial hair

  • 6 replies
  • 48 subscribers
  1. After Radiotherapy All the gents out there ,did your facial hair come back ? And how many weeks/ months ? 
  • A big patch on my neck didn’t return. I finished radiotherapy in July 23

  • a year on and I still have a patch under my jawline that hasn't fully returned.. 

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Top lip, sideburns and chin never really affected... neck area still has little hair... wet shaving after 3 months 

  • When I started my treatment, I had a nice thick goatee, by the time I'd finished, it was a mere wisp of its former self. However, it did slowly grow back, even now after over 7 years later, I only have to shave twice a week.


  • It's now five months since finishing radiotherapy. Lost all neck, cheek & chin hair. Top lip and a little at the sides of my mouth were untouched. Now I have a goatee. My chin was the first part to recover. The sides are starting to return but it's very slow growth. One thing that was a surprise is that it was grey/white before and has come back black! Trimming is very infrequent compared to before treatment. I feel that it is going to be a long time (if at all) that I recover my Captain Birds Eye look!

  • I forgot to say, in my post, that my goatee was grey before I started, when it grew back it was black, my son even asked if I had dyed it. Although now it has gone back to grey.
