CT All Clear

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Breathing something of a sigh of relief today.

Mentioned a few weeks back I'd been bringing up blood in the mornings again (the first real symptoms I showed last year) and they wanted to do a CT scan. Got a bit nervous a few days after the scan when I got a letter for appointment with the specialist - before this most of my results were done on the phone.

Thankfully needn't have worried. Scan all clear and no signs of recurrence of the disease. He mentioned that there are some changes in the lungs since the first scan last March, but putting that down to effects of the radiotherapy.

Did the look inside my mouth, feel of the neck and the joyous camera up the nose and satisfied with everything he saw. That's me now, thankfully, for another 12 weeks.

It's so unnerving when you can feel like your body is "changing", things like the blood etc, when in reality as the specialist said it's really just your body healing.

Be nice to be able now to try and relax for a few weeks - or at least until the next new ache or pain arises !