Having a meltdown

  • 4 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Not coping tonight

any strategies

doing breathing techniques 

can’t focus 


  • Sorry to hear you’re struggling you’re not alone. I’ll light a candle and say a wee prayer it’s how I cope when I’m fretting about my Dad. Try to focus on one positive thing or memory that brings you back to feeling better emotionally. Know you’re not alone. Sending love  

  • Hi Spencer. I try and take my mind off things if I start going down the rabbit hole. I find something to do that changes the narrative in my head. It might be putting on a TV show that I can get immersed in, watching some shorts on You Tube. If it is during the day I go out and do something such as taking a walk and count the number of rose bushes I can find,  go to the shop and concentrate on finding something specific to buy, go to library to find a specific book, anything to move on from the thoughts that are worrying me. The mind finds it hard to concentrate on two thing at once so concentrating on something else really helps. You can get through this.



  • Spencer just to say I was the same last year! It’s a horrible feeling but it will pass. Have you tried calling macmillian helpline they were so good when I was having breakdowns.  I also did counselling with them which helped me with those bad days.  x

  • Im so sorry, i understand, its mainly at night for me, i try reading as many posts on here as i can helps