Jaw cancer and tongue

  • 8 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all

I have had my biopsy result from my tongue, it’s lichen planus and I’m now on steroids. The 3d cone scan on jaw  still hadn’t been received, is this because it’s concerning? They said they would chase it up, I just worry so much…. I will email again soon. What did anyone’s gum look like? My tooth is a bit unstable and I had bony fragments on gum, and a shadow on original xray.  

Also I’ve had a 2 week referral for a breast lump Pensive it’s all a bit much! 


  • Wishing you luck with the scan result, hope it comes through for you soon and that the breast lump is nothing to worry about. Try to stay calm and do some deep breathing and relaxing. X

  • Hi Kos. All yiu can do is wait I’m afraid it’s the waiting that’s the worst part. Some biopsies simply take longer than others . Re the lichen planus at least that’s a known and you will be monitored. Re the breast lumps  again not all lumps are cancerous it’s our minds that are programmed to go down that road. But you did the right thing getting it checked. 


    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Thank you, I think I’ve exhausted the googling, I’m glad I gave this forum to voice my fears x 


  • Thank you for replying, I get so agitated with all this, I hate testing and results Angry 


  • Hello Kos

    I didn’t have a clue there was a problem with my jaw prior to all the tests, I just kept getting small ulcers inside my cheek area, nothing apparent on my gum either.  So being told I had jaw cancer was a total shock as you can imagine.  Sending all best wishes, keep your head together if you can by keeping busy until your results are through.

    June x

  • How strange, you just never know do you!  Hope you’re ok now.


  • Hi Kos.   This is a worrying time for you, I do hope your results come back soon so you know what you are dealing with. My normal dentist  had previously referred me to a specialist dentist as my mouth was very painful from lichen planus which I had from my mid 40's and my teeth needed scaling and cleaning that he did not have time to do in his day to day practise. I then developed a small ulcer on my lower gum that would not heal. This specialist dentist took a biopsy of the ulcer and the results came back as jaw cancer. I was fit and healthy so it was a bit of a shock. My treatment was very successful and I returned to work eventually. 

    Try to distract yourself while you are waiting as this is the hardest part. When you know what you are dealing with things will fall into place.



  • Thanks Sophie, I have just been diagnosed with lichen planus at 69, it just came on suddenly.  I struggle mentally with all these tests and thoughts  but I know I can always turn to this forum for support 
