Update - Week 1 Day 1

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  • 40 subscribers

Hi all! 

I hope you are all doing well.

It's been two weeks since I last posted and I've read everyone's lovely well wishes for Paul and myself, so thank you so much. 

Last week was hard - Paul was due to have his RIGG tube fitted on Monday and we did the whole NIL by mouth and he went down just before 12 noon to Xray to have the procedure - he came back 1:45 mins later and it had failed - to say he was upset was an understatement to say the least - he was told he then had to stay in to top that bad day off!

I was allowed to bring him home on the Tuesday, sore and battered lol.

We ended up doing a really good day at work on the Wednesday driving from Preston all the way to Weston Super Mare (we are coach drivers) and we had a lovely day driving and together.  

He went back into hospital on Thursday for them to try again and this time he was really anxious because he knew what to expect and was super worried it wouldn't work again.

Luckily it worked! It took some doing apparently and he's now very bruised around the site area, and he's sore as they have had to pput it basically over his ribs so one of the nodes sits right on the rib so every time he does a cough, sneeze or burp he feels it! Lol 

Today, Monday 25th Nov was his first radiotherapy appointment.  I went with him for moral support.  

He has his ffirst chemo and radio double day tomorrow and I'm taking the day off to be with him tomorrow.  

The mask actually feels tight around his throat apparently so he worried he had put on weight but we also wondered if the cancer had got bigger as we know it's been growing over the last 8 weeks! 

He's moving in the right direction.

We finally have free hospital parking which has saved a huge amount of money and we were told to contact DWP to claim for PIP and we got the form end of last week so we have an appointment to get some help to fill that bad boy in!! 30 odd pages is just horrifying! 

Do any of you have any recipes or places we can go to get some for the next few weeks as we have read he shouldn't eat a whole load of things with having Chemo!!  Paul is already on soft foods now and he wants to keep eating as long as he can even with the tube in etc.

We have taken on board all the bits and bobs people on here have been recommending which is helping.

Hugs to all xx 

  • Hi LadyAH, having the RIG will be well worth the trouble he's had with the fitting, if eating gets difficult during or after his treatment, mine was a lifesaver. It's good that he wants to eat for as long as he can, however it's best he doesn't put pressure on himself to do so. If eating does get a problem, it's best to go on overnight feeding, than trying to force himself to eat. The time will quickly pass then he will be on his recovery, stick with us, any questions just ask, and of course keep his team updated on how things are with him, they will give him meds for any side effects he may get.


  • Hi LadyAH

    I ate as well as I could until the poo hit the fan... weeks 2 to 3 were the start of the tough times, weight started falling off big time ... luckily the mask fitting was not adversely affected, my appetite and taste went completely...relied on PEG feed for survival.... but things did improve.. taste and appetite have returned.. . Enjoying most foods again.... just had some potent chilli con carne tonight.... first time in 17 months.


  • Hi  eating and chemo keep off shellfish and unpasteurised cheese was what I was told. If he’s on soft food poached eggs are good,on top of smashed avocado. Home made soups you can control the seasoning with double cream added try  chicken and veg soups well blended. 

    The mask will feel tighter in chemo days as all the saline that’s pumped into us , it does ease off, but you can ask the radiotherapy team ti adjust the  clips when they are locking him onto the table that may help. 

    Chemo days are tiring best advise I can give is take the medication they give you  I took the anti sickness mEd’s even though I didn’t feel nauseous and I had no sickness what so ever.  Another tip if they aren’t working please tell the team as we are all started off on the cheapest meds there are lots of others to try. 

     the pip,form I’ve heard that citizens advise bureau can check the form over with you. . From hearing other peoples experiences re pips if they reject the claim you can appeal, as far as I know  they are quite tough  form  Good  luck 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 
