yet another cancelled appointment

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  • 44 subscribers

Since my partial glossectomy in April this year I have seen the consultant once in early May.  I was clear and follow up management and what to be aware of discussed

After 2 cancelled appt in the summer I spoke with CNS as I had a wobble!!! due to not being seen and they arranged for me to see someone else in department.

While she allayed my fears - I still have not seen the surgeon.  So i was glad to receive appt in September for late Oct appointment.  But today it has been cancelled.  Third time!!

So it is now six months post operation that I have not been seen,  While I had every confidence in my consultant I am now becoming rather disillusioned, plus spent several days last week with the burning tongue I have had is past.

Has anyone else experienced this in there follow up treatment?  Should mention the agreed follow up was for 2 monthly reviews.

  • Has anyone else experienced this in there follow up treatment?  Should mention the agreed follow up was for 2 monthly reviews.

    Hi Julie. In my second year I wasn’t seen for 9 months due to Covid but I did have phone appointments 

    Are you able to speak to your CNS? Tell them your native tongue is sore and you need to be seen ( don’t be alarmed, burning tongue isn’t serious but telling your CNS your tongue hurts might get them moving)

    I definitely think they need to keep an eye on you. xx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks Dani

    I actually see her next Monday and will chat to her about it, tongue settled alittle today - but TBH just niggled at how many appt cancelled.

    My dentist said to use salt water rinse as soothes and it has.  

    Hope all is well with you and yours

    Julie xx

  • We are we fine thanks. 
    Stan is gearing up for a new half knew at the beginning of December 

    We are having to pay ourselves or wait 5 years! 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Glad to here you are ok.  Wont write what I think about poor Stan - unprintable - mine is getting a little more painful but nothing a few tabs and bag frozen peas doesnt right - at least for now.  Hubbys uncle waited 16 months over in Cheshire.

    Little less waiting time up here with the conveyer belt knee and hip they have going.

    Hope all goes well, love to Stan

    Julie x

  • Hi

    My husband finished his treatment last year and at first he had regular 3 monthly check ups.  But this year we have only seen a consultant once. We've had four app cancelled at Blackburn Hospital.  

    I would imagine it's the same old story of not enough doctors and staff to cover extended clinics. 

    They keep scheduling and then cancelling.  My husband even went in to the clinic in person to book an appointment as he couldn't get through on the phone.  But that was also cancelled. 

    I have to say we went privately in the end to see the same consultant,  as understandably after 6 months your concerns naturally rise,  he was telling us the hospital is in a mess 

    We've since had an app from the hospital but that has also been cancelled now. So we feel we are on the same old tread mill.  

    Incredibly worrying.  

    I hope you get a successful outcome soon.  

  • Hi Gail

    It is extremley worrying that these appt are not being met.

    I am glad in the end that your hubby did see consultant and privately, and agree that over time concerns do arise.  I can clearly see why your hubby went privately.  The worry really does kick in!  That is my concern at present!

    It is a sad state of affairs that important follow uo appointments are cancelled.

    I do hope your husband get a follow up soon.

    Thank you

  • Hi 

    I have recently experienced the same issues. I put a post on here and had lovely replies to get on the phone and find out what’s going on. So I called my CNS team they said my appointments had been cancelled so they put me in a 2 week emergency with surgeon as I was 1 month over due. I saw him yesterday. I chatted to him about how on earth to I get to see him I need my own personal PA hahaha he said the system is terrible and a nightmare he finds it very frustrating. So our plan is in Feb to have a PET scan in Feb with follow up with surgeon he said I should start chasing that in January if they cancel call and say no do not cancel if that doesn’t work then I’m to email his secretary. All a bit of a nightmare but at least I know he finds it a nightmare as well. He said not enough staff etc. hope that helps and to let you know you’re not alone with the nightmare appointments 

    Natalie x 

  • Thank you for this.  I am due to see him next week!!!

    I do have CNS support and they sourced an appointment in the summer with another Doctor and she was wonderful, however not the surgeon who did surgery.

    Think the most disturbing fact was I was told my follow up would be every two month post surgery and clearing it is not.  Wish I could say he is the sort of man you could joke with - far from it.

    Still next week still seems on.

    LancsL x

  • I feel your pain! With all the other worries we have we never thought we would need to be worrying about our appointments! When you see him next week (have everything crossed that happens) ask him about your check up plans so you know what to chase in future. I’m hoping he will feel the same as you how frustrating it all is! X 

  • Natalie - here lies my annoyance.  I have a letter which states two months review plan dated May this year from him, plus he sent a copy to my GP and Dentist.

    My CNS has said to always let her know - not just sit and worry myself, so thats what I will do in future,

    LancsL x

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