T4 Tonsil Cancer- its gone!

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Hi to all my lovely people who have been patient, kind and understanding during my darkest hours through treatment! I want to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you!

I had my PET Scan and after a stressful wait for the results. I was told they have got it all! I have subsequently had my follow up appointment with my consultant and the maxillofacial team and all is good! A couple of exercises but that's it. So much so I am returning to work on Tuesday!

It's been a journey as you all no doubt have felt during your own experience and it hasn't quite sunk in yet, but I want to thank you all for your unwavering support and kindness!!!

  • Hi Hazel. Goodness a lot of information and decisions to be made! I am as confused as you re why he didn't take it all the first time? ?

    My consultant mentioned about a new trial, probably different to yours? I am awaiting information on it! 

    You have a massive decision to make. Bless you!

    You helped me so much during my journey I want to be there every step of the way for yours! I am always here for you and if you don't mind I will drop you a line to see how you are doing? 

    I am sending you a mega huge hug and pray you will get through this! Lots of love Jackie 

  • Hi Jackie, someone on here said that the 'margins' might have not been what they hoped for? At least, I think that is what they said?  Also, someone else said that perhaps they didn't want to take too much as 'there isn't  lot of room in there'?  Again, I'm not sure.  I have had a lot of info thrown at me today, and I'm sure I didn't quite take it all in.

    I think I will probably go on the trial as it will then, hopefully, help others in the future with their treatment.  Again, I will know more next week when I see the surgeon again, and I can ask him why it wasn't all taken the first time, and hopefully, this time I will absorb the info given to me.

    Thank you for always thinking of me.  How are you doing today?

    Love and hugs

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel  the surgeons like a decent margin when they remove  a tumour but the area at the back  of our throats hasn’t a lot of room for error. It sounds like when the biopsy was analysed the margin was too tight and if he didn’t do further investigation teeny cells could still be there. The radiotherapy will be a mopping up treatment to ensure any further stray cells are zapped. 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Hazel, I am sure today has been overwhelming and it will take time to process. Perhaps when you go next week to see the surgeon....take someone with you? They can maybe pick up on the things you miss?

    I hear you re the trial and helping others in the future. But focusing on you and what is important for you and your health is of paramount importance right now. Maybe write down how you are feeling and any questions you may have and take them with you?

    Thinking of you and routing for you Heart️ 

    It is my birthday today and I spent some time with family which was nice. But the aftershock of everything that has happened this year took the edge off it and my throat is still presenting its own issues. But I am extremely lucky! I just can't shake the feeling of guilt that lovely people like you are still going through so much!

    Sending huge hugs and love Heart️  Jackie xx

  • Thank you so much Hazel, that explains a lot, there was mention of 'margins', but I didn't take in some of the info at the time, my mind was in a whirl.


    Hazel x 

  • Awww, Happy Birthday Jackie!  Enjoy your good news that you are now cancer free, you are allowed to celebrate.  I too have felt guilty hearing all of what a lot of these good people have had to endure and go through, mine seems insignificant in comparison.

    Celebrate, nobody will judge you for that!

    Lots of love.

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel. When I had my tongue cancer operation and neck dissection the biopsy result showed a margin of 0.6 mm and apparently they like to get 1cm. So my consultant said he could go back in and take a little more . He gave me three options at the time. One to just leave and monitor two to go back in and take a little more and three radiotherapy. I asked the oncologist who was in the room what he would do and he said I would take RT to make sure it was belt and braces. So after discussing it with family I decided on RT. The consultant said if taking RT then there was no point in taking anymore margin as RT would do it's job. I had RT starting in May for six weeks. It's a lot to take in at one appointment. My son and daughter were in the room and they remembered it all as I forgot a lot of what was being said. Hope you're doing ok tonight. Xx

  • Hi Hazel, thank you for your kind words and birthday wishes xxx

    How are you feeling? Everybody's journey is just as important! I really hope your next meeting goes ok. I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and sending love and hugs your way!!! Jackie Grin x