My journey in dates….

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I just typed this as a reply and pulled together as my treatment was delayed and I wanted to document:

6th of March rang skin cancer nurse!!! Was fobbed off with a run down telephone diagnosis……

18th of April saw skin cancer nurse for routine check and was referred for a biopsy. 

24th of April Dentist!!! Mouth cancer was missed……

10th of May biopsy was told to expect the worst.

21st of May diagnosis secondary cancer in my lymph node (singular) primary to be found, referral made to head and neck cancer team.

31st of May - appointment head and neck team, MRI booked and CT scan.

7th of June - shadow on spine so another MRI booked and PET scan.

14th of June - all clear in spine, radiotherapy and chemo to start 17th of July with lots of appointments in between to get me ready. I won’t bore u with the details.

I am feeling much better with a plan in place!