Shaun22 update on biopsy of jaw

  • 8 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hi folks just a quick update.  Had biopsy of jaw at Leeds dental hospital and told results will be in 4 weeks. Reassuringly the dental practitioner advised that's its unlikely from the scan there is cancer. He also advised there is no evidence of osteoradionecrosis and advised its likely a gum infection which will require two back teeth out. I must say I am a bit peaved off with the practitioner I saw from pinderfields who told me I definitely have osteoradionecrosis. He told me in his parting words he cannot do anything for me its above his pay grade and he's sorry for giving bad news. I think I am going to complain as this chap has given me sleepless nights with is inaccurate diagnosis about osteoradionecrosis.

Cheers shaun22

  • Oh wow, that is awful you were led to believe that it was something that it isn't but really good news in the end. Fingers crossed with the results in 4 week's time. Yes, complain and hopefully he won't do that to anyone else. Chin up! x

  • Hi Shaun

    That is really good news, you have dodged a bullet so that is great. However it is not good that you were put through so much worry with an inaccurate diagnosis. Wait for the results of the biopsy to confirm things before making your complaint. You then have concrete evidence to work with. I am so glad for you that you don't have to go through any more ops.



  • Hi Lyn

    That's good advice thank you .


  • Hi Shaun. So sorry to hear Pinderfields has let you down di badly they are my tertiary hospital   Yes get pals involved plus your cns nurse mine was Lisa .Relieved that Leeds  are certainly more positive did you see Jaymit Patel there? Not an excuse wonder if Pinderfields had a locum in ? 

    Leeds  dental will do the extraction s. Hope results come through quick as they can. 

    hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 5 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help  

  • Cheers Hazel yes I did see jaymit I think. I know I have to wait for the biopsy results to be sure and rule things out. I am more reassured after visiting leeds dental hospital that its peridontitis related. Fingers crossed. 

    Cheers shaun

  • Hi Shaun he’s the top guy for head and neck patients. I’m now signed off and my oncologist Dr Sen has passed all my radiotherapy planning to him. I see my own dentist every 2 months but she’s aware any issues I get referred straight away to him. 
    Try to chill and tackle Wakefield when you’ve for results. 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 5 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help  

  • Morning Shaun Good news 

    You must bring this up with Pinderfields. Anybody admitting this is above their pay grade shouldn’t be diagnosing such a life changing condition in the first place. What they should have done is owned up to not knowing. It’s  absurd that you’ve been given all this extra burden to carry. 


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  • Hi beesuit. Exactly what I think, he may need some encouragement for critical reflective practice as the inaccurate narrative he gave me sent me and my wife in a spin. Leaves me wandering how many other people is he inaccurately advising.

    Cheers shsun