Worsening neck lymphoedema

  • 9 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi. I've posted before about this. My hubby has had surgery, chemo & radiotherapy for tonsil cancer and lymph node spread in neck. 9 weeks post treatment, doing pretty well all in all  but getting troubled by lymphoedema in neck. He's read blogs, doing the exercises, eventually found a specialist massage lady ( very difficult to get in, so busy and not many therapists), doing everything he's told but it's not really helping. He's getting very low about it. On waiting list for lymphoedema nurse, but he's convinced he's stuck with it and it's  stopping him doing things he loves like cycling as so uncomfortable. Anyone used infra red light? Any other suggestions or experiences please? 

  • Hi. Photobiomodulation may help 

    Has his therapist suggested that? 
    Some people here used a Hereford? collar as well. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Dani. She suggested red light, not sure if it's same thing? Will also look at Hereford collar. Basically we're having to research this ourselves, not much forthcoming from hospital, apart from oh yes that can happen. 

  • Dani 

    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • I had the same treatment as your hubby and found the Hereford collar with regular self-massage to be effective. I still have a little residual lymphodema but it doesn’t trouble me. 

  • Hi, my husband has just been discharged from the lymphoedema clinic. It too around 8 weeks on the NHS waiting list so we initially tracked down a therapist locally who specialised in this condition. She sits on the lymphoedema board and was extremely knowledgeable and worth every penny. She confirmed that early intervention is key. She asked my husband to trial a product  to use at home that I can only describe as a tight fitting neck snood to sleep in , alongside his weekly treatments. He still sleeps in it to prevent a return of the condition. He had 4 private appointments and then transferred to the NHS clinic run through our local hospice . 3 weeks since last treatment and still no signs of any swelling. He discussed this with the NHS lymphoedema nurse and she said they can be purchased but cost £120 therefore they are too expensive to be supplied through the NHS. However if you get offered one , they really have helped my husband. 

    Hope this helps

  • She asked my husband to trial a product  to use at home that I can only describe as a tight fitting neck snood to sleep in

    Hi Tomba

    Do you have a name for this, please?


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • I don’t have the name of it but this is it. It is elastic tightly woven into the lines of fabric that fits from the lower neck right up to the chin, under the ears. It leave deep crevices that gradually fade throughout the day.

    I’ve asked my husband to request the name from his therapist. I’ll keep you posted

  • I’ve asked my husband to request the name from his therapist. I’ll keep you posted

    Thanks Tomba. It looks like the sleeves already in use on arms and legs


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Yes, quite possibly. Worth knowing for any sufferers