Urgent referral - new here!

  • 5 replies
  • 149 subscribers


I’m new here and hope it’s ok to post as I’m yet to have a diagnosis. 

I’ve been having a constant sore throat since October 2024. I get the razor blade throat, red patches, swollen lumps on neck (not all the time) and it feels like hell trying to drink or eat. I also have a pain in my ears, starts as feeling like I’m under water, then pressure and cracking. 

I had antibiotics back in October for tonsillitis which helped but a few weeks later I had suspected pneumonia so were back on them. Since then every few weeks I have the same symptoms as above and now on my forth lot of antibiotics. GP’s have now ruled out tonsillitis as no spots can be seen.

The antibiotics work initially but once I finish a course it seems I have a week max before I get another spout of the above. 

GP saw me on the 16th and did an urgent referral, on the referral letter it states a ‘head and neck cancer referral’ and in my GP notes ‘suspected head and neck cancer’. 

My appointment is this coming Thursday (23rd). 

I’m really worried as I’m not too sure what to think, maybe the GP stated this on the referral to get me seen quicker or should I start thinking seriously about what the outcome of this may actually be. 

The pain in my throat has actually started to get a little better but still have the ear ache and slight soreness when swallowing. 

I feel like I’m babbling a lot and not sure what it is I’m actually asking.., just wanted to say hi and wondered if anyone else had a referral like this or is this normal practice? 

  • Hi koursaris1994 You are not babbling and are welcome to post on here whenever you want to. The way things have gone for you are the way it goes for many, the GP has tried antibiotics which haven't worked, so now wants to be sure what they are dealing with, hence the 2-week referral. Try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know). It turns out that most referrals are not cancer. We're here to help, ask whatever you want.


  • GP saw me on the 16th and did an urgent referral, on the referral letter it states a ‘head and neck cancer referral’ and in my GP notes ‘suspected head and neck cancer’. 

    Hi and welcome from me too. This is the fastest way to get you seen. 90% of referrals are not cancer so fingers crossed. 

    wondered if anyone else had a referral like this or is this normal practice? 

    Yes this is standard and exactly what happened to me 

    Stay with us. There’s always somebody here to talk to. 
    Meanwhile don’t Google about this. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • FormerMember

    Hi Koursaris

    Your GP has done the sensible thing....ENT will have a good look around your infected areas to get to the bottom of things....as stated most of these examinations  result in no cancer being found....and if cancer is found HPV16+ has a very high cure rate....circa 90%


  • Hi Peter, 

    Thank you for the reassurance. 


  • Hi it’s the quickest way of being seen as others have said 90% of referrals aren’t cancer but he’s doing the right thing any symptoms last over 3 weeks is best being investigated. If you’re unlucky night to join us head and neck cancers  do respond extremely well to treatment. Best wishes for appointment and pop back on to let us know. 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 
