Struggling mentally with recovery after head/neck radiotherapy

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in June 2023 I was operated on for squamous cell cancer below my left ear. Surgery was very radical involving removal of a significant part of my neck tissues, nodes, glands etc and the corresponding glands/nodes in my left chest/arm. My chest muscle was transplanted to replace the tissue removed from my neck. I completed 6 weeks of radiotherapy in September 2023. At first everything was very manageable and I was looking forward to getting some normality back in my life. However, as time goes on the scar tissue and the fibrosis resulting from the intense radiotherapy have become very challenging. I’m able to eat well with some restriction to my chewing ability. Head and neck movement is the primary issue; having to pull against stiff tissue with each head movement and concern with how much this will increase over time. I do the exercises and rub a cream into the area affected. 
Would be great to hear from anyone going through similar experiences. 

  • Hi Gosman Sorry to hear the issues you are  going through. I. Trying to think of someone through the last 7; years who has been through similar issues to you. Are you near any late onset side effects clinics there’s a very good one at Nottingham run by Emma Hallam .You should have a specialised cancer nurse at your hospital not sure where you are? They may be able to refer you or contact the Nottingham team. 
    I’ll have a think and pop back in later if I can come up,with anythjng. I do have a small amount of at the back of my neck I had 35 radiotherapy sessions and 2 chemo


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers