Possible tongue/neck cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 146 subscribers

New here and just need to off load my worries, I had a routine cervical neck MRI on 31st Oct to check for nerve damage due to osteoarthritis, but when they did it, they had an accidental find of enlarged postlingual lymphoid tissue with filling of both vallecula, the report said although the appearance could be due to lymphoid hyperplasia, a referral to ENT is needed to rule out anything sinister.   

The results took over 5 weeks to get to my GP, due to an oversight in the department, GP examined me, she couldn’t see anything but still referred me on the 2WW to ENT, but due to demand on the service my appointment has been made for 5 weeks after referral, that’s still 2 weeks to go! So needless to say my mind is in complete overdrive with the waiting, and not knowing,

I’m just curious as to if anyone has ever heard of or experienced this. I never noticed symptoms until I found this out (but now I’m convinced I’ve got cancer) , I suffer with gum disease and I don’t go to dentist as much as I should, I get jaw pain that goes into my ear on a regular basis, lymph nodes in my jaw and neck are are slightly enlarged, my tongue and front of my neck feels swollen, I know I’m probably overthinking all this, I’m 55 non smoker and occasional drinker, so I know that’s something in my favour, any friendly advice is muchly appreciated, thanks


  • Hi sorry you’re waiting so long. We all know the waiting’s the worst part. If it’s helps over 90% of the 2 week urgent referrals aren’t cancer it’s the fastest ( or no longer fast ) of being diagnosed. 
    my cancer was found with a visible lump in my neck I had no other symptoms no pain anywhere. Try tj keep off google you’ll scare yourself silly. 
    if yours in the tiny percentage who do have cancer head and neck cancers respond well to treatment. 
    stick with us on here and let us know how you get on 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Thanks, I will be staying on here, 

  • Hello! This is such a worrying time, I know. The not knowing is almost the worst - while waiting for my initial referral results I was terrified, and convinced I was going to die. Hopefully you'll get the all clear soon but if not we're here for you and living proof that these cancers are curable. In the meantime try to keep busy and distract yourself - easier said than done, I know.

    Sending you love & luck


    September 2022 aged 63 diagnosed with HPV associated SCC base of tongue T4 N2 M0. Chemo & radiotherapy for 6 weeks ending Nov 2022. Now over 2 years all clear. See my profile for longer story

  • Thank you both for the replies, as you’ve both been through this horrible experience, could you please tell me what to expect on my first appointment with ENT, will I have any tests or is it just a case of going through my symptoms? 

  • could you please tell me what to expect on my first appointment with ENT,

    The consultant will examine the back of your throat with a flexible endoscope that is a thin tube that goes up your nose. It’s a little unpleasant but not painful. 
    He/She will have a good look directly into your mouth too. 
    You’ll also have a thorough exam of your neck looking for lymph nodes. 
    The rest depends in what they find. 
    An MRI may be recommended if they need to look further. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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