Just scared

  • 4 replies
  • 145 subscribers

Hi this may be long sorry in october i went swimming  and got splashed over my head a lot ,the day after i got headaches and dizziness . Gast forward a week and i emded up with a dry sore mouth evrryone saying anxiety.

That dry mouth chhanged to burning mouth and now more recently a sore throat and bit ear paim  ,everyone saying acid reflux which i dp have  but i am worried its theoat cancer taking in mind throat and ears only just startre 

Sorty for the moan my dr did look down my thraot and saod she cidnt see anything woŕying but im not sure what to do and if it does sound like throat cancer 

Thanks for listening

  • Hi. I can’t give you a medical opinion and can just say that if you are not happy with your GPs evaluation ask for a fast track hospital referral. If one isn’t offered your only recourse is a private ENT appointment 

    My GP did send me in a two week referral but this was lost in the system somehow and I did arrange a private consultation. Luckily the NHS one came in on the same day. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Mortigger 

    Like Dani Im not medically trained so can’t offer help from that perspective.

    I have always thought we know our own bodies better than anyone else as we are the ones experiencing the signs and symptoms. 

    I would keep a daily diary of what’s going on for you You can also request to see a different GP at your surgery and ask for a referral to ENT or like Dani said if you can afford too pay to see a private ENT (250-350).

    Some drs are very pro active with any head and neck concerns but sadly some ( like mine) are not and early diagnosis is the key to all suspect cancers..


  • Hi mortigger it could be lots of other things apart from cancer, however you are worried and not happy with what your GP has said. So, like the others who have posted said go back to your GP, or another one if you can, and ask for a 2 week referral. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about but tell them how worried you are.


  • Second opinions are often invaluable, it took 3 visits and nearly 2 years to get to the bottom of my issue... ask for another appointment at your health centre.
