
  • 7 replies
  • 147 subscribers

Hello everyone, I am Julie & 62 years old.

4 weeks ago I felt like there was something fluffy in my throat, I gargled for a few days but it didn’t ease up, I visited my GP

who looked at my throat and did an urgent referral to the ENT clinic, my appointment was this morning.

The consultant checked all my throat and then took 4 biopsies.

He is also booked  me in for a MRI & CT scan.

He was honest when I asked him if it was throat cancer, he answered it was a high possibility with what he could see, I also have health anxiety which isn’t helping.

  • Hi  

    Welcome but so sorry to see you here. 
    Throat cancer is serious but cure rates are in excess of 95% so hold onto that. 
    There is no getting away from the fact that the treatment is aggressive and very challenging but it doesn’t last forever. 
    I was 68 when my cancer struck out of the blue. I had six weeks of radiotherapy and I am fit and well coming up to six years clear in January 

    Stay with us. 
    You’ll have lots of questions along the way and there is always someone around to talk to. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Julie

    Your GP has been very vigilant, catching anything suspicious early is a huge bonus, the ENT consultant is being completely honest, no point in trying to second guess scan/biopsy results ....you should know soon enough...try to stay away from Google unless it is for Macmillan, NHS etc....other sites only add to worry/stress...keep the forum updated with your progress.


  • Hi Julie 123,  I know exactly how you feel, I too have health anxiety (thanks mainly to having had and survived two Malignant Melanomas and a history of familial cancers.)  But as soon as I cam on here, all the lovely folk rallied around me and gave me lots of good practical advice (like staying of Google) and giving me the great cure rate, which calmed me right down.  Any questions I had, I had answered by people with the same experiences (I'm 72 by the way.)

    You can't believe the difference these wonderful people have made to my experiences on here, they never judge, but support, care and advise, you are ion great hands.  Just keep coming back and look at some of the uplifting profiles of amazing people who have come through and are at the other end (which we too, will be some day.)  Take care.

    Big hugs to a fellow 'health anxiety sufferer'.  Hazel x

  • Hi Julie123

    A warm welcome from me , sorry to hear your news that it might be cancer.

    This is such a horrible anxiety provoking time especially for someone who already has anxiety issues.

    Please stay of Google as it will take ypu down a rabbit hole and feed any negative or anxious thoughts. Instead try to do things which bring you joy no matter what it is ( walking reading excercises talking to friends family etc) I personally joined Netflix and binge watched anything and everything.

    Stick with us , nothing but support and understanding from the lovely people in this group.

    Sending you a big virtual hug


  • Hi Julie and welcome from me.  It looks like things are moving at a good pace for you.  The diagnostic phase is always the worst for all of us as our minds run riot thinking of all the possible consequences.  Once you know what you are dealing with and have a plan it will become easier.

    Everyone here will support you and offer advice as and when you need it.  Just shout and we will be here for you.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Julie welcome from me. As Dani says the cure rate for many if our cancers is high. If you are unlucky  enough to join us we’re a friendly bunch no question too silly to ask. 
    it’s scary the waiting is the worse part. You can ask gp for a mild anti depressant if you need them it’s not unusual in our diagnosis I was 61 so similar age  ask if it’s cancer is it hpv driven  


    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Hi Julie

    Welcome to the forum although sorry that you have had to find us. I was 59 when first diagnosed with jaw cancer and am now 71 so that proves there is still a long life to be had after a cancer diagnosis. The treatment is hard but worth it. There is support every step of the way on this forum.

