side effects

  • 6 replies
  • 147 subscribers

My partner had neck disection 3 weeks ago.  Following surgery she had a swollen neck, and some numbness in her cheek and ear.  She was reviewed by the consultant informed thaat the lymph glands were clear of cancer and that she would be followed up at regular intervals.  She was very pleased with this result.  However 3 days later her neck swelling had dramatically increased, the pain was worse and she felt unwell.  She was readmitted to hospital and the swelling remains despite having had it drained twice now. 

Is this common after neck disection, is there anything she can do that will decrease the swelling?  The consultant radiologist that she saw today indicated that this might go on for several months.  She is very despondent.

  • Sorry to hear of her distress.  I had 2 dissections and never had any swelling issues as you describe.  The numbness is common and may improve over time.  There could also be weakness in the arm on the side of the dissection.  That will also improve, especially if she gets some physio. 

    I did find that once the wound was well healed having a hot shower and using a massage shower head spaying on the area of the dissection relived some of the tightness from the scars.  

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Fran

    Sorry to hear that your partner has had some issues after her recent neck dissection. She is in the best place to get the help she needs at the moment.

    I have had 2 neck dissections over time but did not have the issue with neck swelling. Has the doctor mentioned that it may be lymphoedema. If so there are exercises/massage that can be done to help so might be worth asking her doctor.

    The numbness you mentioned is normal unfortunately. It does improve over time but I still have some altered sensation and feeling of tightness around the scars on both sides of my neck. As Peter mentioned the weakness and reduced range of movement in the arm on the side of the neck dissection is common. I had this too but it did resolve over a few weeks and is now back to normal.



  • Thanks for your response, useful to know

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply

  • Hi Fran16

    Welcome to the group , sorry to hear about your partner issues after neck dissection but so glad to hear it hasn’t spread.

    I didnt have dissection but have Lymphoedema .as Lyn suggested please speak to her consultant re Lymphoedema. This is an issue for many people after dissections and Radiotherapy for some it eases off and reduces within months following Radio/surgery.For others it can be troublesome and a lifelong condition to manage.

    Medical professionals including Speech and language therapist can advise on best exercises and lymph massage plus can refer her to closest lymphoedema clinic for a manual massage and shown how to do this herself plus provide medical garments /collars or tape to support lymph fluid drainage .

    Wishing you both all the best for her recovery 


  • I had a neck dissection and oropharangectomy in April this year and whilst I didn't have any swelling I still have pain, thightness and numbness all around my cheek and ear. I massage it regularly which does take the discomfort away. I've found someone locally who does scar massage so I'm booked in for November to see if that helps. I've had a horrible metallic taste in my mouth for a few months now which the consultant says is normal as the nerves are healing. I know they say 6 weeks to heal but that's just surface healing not taking into account all the nerve damage et. Hope things improve soon.