T3N0M0 Laryngeal Cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 145 subscribers

Hello, my partner has recently been diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and is due to start chemoradiotherapy in the next few weeks, I just wondered if the side effects are as bad as I have heard? I am trying not to look on the internet. He can swallow fine and his throat does not hurt, his only issue is a hoarse voice.

  • Hi Sunshine 

    Side effects vary from patient to patient, some do get off relatively lightly, others not so, make sure he has plenty of effective pain meds and anti-emetics for weekends and bank holidays.


  • Hi Sunshine...

    Sorry original post deleted in error...please keep the forum updated with your partner's progress....plenty of sound advice and support from others who have gone through /are going through similar treatments.

    Take care


  • yes, if things go pear shaped, it usually starts at the weekend..

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi Sunshine, I have had your husband’s cancer mine was in my voicebox so had a Laryngectomy (removal of box) and a neck breather so more dramatic than your husband’s treatment but I had no follow-up treatment. I do however meet people in the Hospital with RT and Chemo treatment, I’m afraid I can’t ease his or your concerns as he will be in quite a lot of discomfort and swallowing will become more and more difficult if he can swallow at all he will be on soft foods and high calorie shakes- they will be prescribed by the Dieticians, he will be hopefully well supported.

    It's a rough journey but I am 4 years from that cancer and 2 yrs remission from my second cancer Oesophagus which I had RT and Chemo for

    Can I suggest also may be too late now but please don’t use Dr Google it will give you dreadful results try all cancer specific sites such as ours and also Cancer Research have good info pages, a good source of support is also Swallows a charity specific for Throat and Mouth Cancers :


    Hope this helps, take care both of you


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