Parotid gland mets?

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  • 139 subscribers


My mum was diagnosed with neuro endocrine parotid gland cancer April 2023.  It's high grade and had spread to lymph nodes. She had it removed plus neck dissection.  The surgery was left her with facial palsy as the surgeon had to remove her facial nerve. My mum is 67 and she is not coping very well with it  and neither am I but she was getting on with life although not the same as she was before which is understandable

Anyway, recently she has been complaining of hip pain when walking and has to stop and sit down even when out.  Her scans are now 6 monthly and the last one in Dec was clear. She went to her GP who sent her for blood test and X ray. The GP rang her next day to tell her to attend hospital as her blood results show liver abnormalities. She had ultrasound scan which showed a small lesion. We are really worried and thinking all kinds. She has radiotherapy for the parotid gland and she fount it tough and she has lost a lot of weight which she never gained. Does anyone have any experience on this

Thanks in advancex