Hello everyone, i have TN2N1M0 left tonsil HPV squamous cell carcinoma. Diagnosed 6th June 2024.

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Hello, It’s taken me a while to get here, but I got the courage to finally post something. 
I am due to start treatment tomorrow,15th July and my anxiety is off the scale. I had an MRI when I had my radiotherapy mask filled and had a panic attack during the scan. I am also very frightened of the huge list of side effects of the chemotherapy treatment I’m being given. 
I have questioned myself as to whether I actually want it as I have a very close family member who didn’t respond at all well to treatment and became neutropenic with pneumonia. 
it is definitely a mine field of trying to navigate this new terrain and where to go next and do the what’s right for me. 
I hope this isn’t too much of a difficult read when I know that we’re all on the same page with this and keeping positive is so important. 

  • Hello Nise247, I'm a bit late to your post but just want to echo what others on here have said, offer my experience and wish you well. 


    September 2022 aged 63 diagnosed with HPV associated SCC base of tongue T4 N2 M0. Chemo & radiotherapy for 6 weeks ending Nov 2022.  Dec 2023 one year all clear. See my profile for longer story

  • Hi Catriona, 

    Just read your profile! I’m so very happy that treatment worked and you’ve been in the clear since! I’m so sorry about your sister an do hope she’s doing ok . Thank you for touching base with me. Heartou are all so kind and inspiring Heart