Hello everyone, i have TN2N1M0 left tonsil HPV squamous cell carcinoma. Diagnosed 6th June 2024.

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Hello, It’s taken me a while to get here, but I got the courage to finally post something. 
I am due to start treatment tomorrow,15th July and my anxiety is off the scale. I had an MRI when I had my radiotherapy mask filled and had a panic attack during the scan. I am also very frightened of the huge list of side effects of the chemotherapy treatment I’m being given. 
I have questioned myself as to whether I actually want it as I have a very close family member who didn’t respond at all well to treatment and became neutropenic with pneumonia. 
it is definitely a mine field of trying to navigate this new terrain and where to go next and do the what’s right for me. 
I hope this isn’t too much of a difficult read when I know that we’re all on the same page with this and keeping positive is so important. 

  • Thank you Debbie! So happy to hear that you’re enjoying life, bless you x

  • You will be too again once your through this and at the other side .

    One day at a time x

  • I refused Cisplatin because of the potential hearing difficulties.  Instead I went for Carboplatin.  There are other side effects but nothing significant on the hearing and nothing that has worried me to date.  I found it still a challenge but it seemed more manageable than those of the standard Cisplatin.

    Both drugs are to help the RT work and are for all intents giving the same small improvement in cure rate.

    My choice was made in the first week of RT

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Welcome my lovely,

    I feel your pain and anxiety I am exactly the same. I start my radiotherapy and chemo cisplatin on 24th July, my oncologist is reducing the doses of the chemo and radiotherapy but over a longer period to reduce the side effects he has had much better results. So I'm having radiotherapy for 7weeks, 5 days a week and chemo once a week for 5 weeks.

    I also have squamous Cell Carcinoma 16 HPV positive but left hand side back of tongue base primary which has spread to lymph node in left side of neck.

    I know it's going to be an extremely tough ride but I feel so strongly to get rid of this demon. I have a huge amount of faith in my oncologist and his team and have been promised that they will help me in every way and feel reassured that they will help with side effects with the right medication.

    It was such a shock to be told you have oropharyngeal Cancer as I have never smoked, don't drink only on special occasions and even then not much.

    I am in my early 50s. You are not alone with this my darling there are some incredible people on here who have been amazing with their advice and support.

    Wishing you all the best and take one step at a time and don't be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling with any part of this process, I am a born worrier and my anxiety levels have been awful but as of now I have managed everything and some of the tests etc have not been the most fun times but I know I have to keep strong and positive.

    Lots of love

    Sarah xxx (We've got this Kissing heart)

  • This has been mentioned to me as well possibly week 3 to have mine fitted as well as a precaution and 1 night stay in hospital.

  • my oncologist is reducing the doses of the chemo and radiotherapy but over a longer period to reduce the side effects he has had much better results. So I'm having radiotherapy for 7weeks, 5 days a week and chemo once a week for 5 weeks.

    Hi Sarah. That's interesting. Do you know how many Grays of RT you are having?

    I had 65 over six weeks. Hazel had hers over 7 and I think she had 70

    This has been mentioned to me as well possibly week 3 to have mine fitted as well as a precaution and 1 night stay in hospital.

    Do you know why they aren't offering this before you start? 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you so much Sarah, your kind words mean so much. I’ve had my first treatments today and feel good..just a red chin at the moment. My team have put me ease today and I’m feeling better about treatment. 

    Sarah, I wish you all the very best on the 24th (my birthday) and yes, we have got this xxx

  • You are very welcome, I'm glad it went well today and you are feeling better and well done to getting through your first day of treatment.

    I'm glad your team were there behind you and making you feel better about having this treatment. 

    Thankyou also for your best wishes for when I start this journey I am petrified on so.many levels but I'm going to take each day as it comes, keep going Fingers crossedPraySparkling heart

  • Well done starting your treatment today, the time will go quickly, then you will be on your recovery, back to health. Any worries or questions just ask.


  • Hi Dani,

    I'm not sure on both aspects but I will find out and let you know. 

    Sarah xx