Trying real food

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  • 141 subscribers

Hi everyone

I am looking for ways to support my sister - 10 weeks after chemo and radio. She has an NG tube and had started food trials. After 3 weeks of an upset stomach, she still has stomach pain and cant ring herself to eat or drink. Back to the GP tomorrow altho the poo sample came back showing nothing. She does not eat dairy or anything that looks like dairy!

  • I was at one point only on Ensure through the tube and slowly started eating proper foods. I found breakfast the easiest meal followed by lunch. For a long time I could not face dinner so was glad for ensures calories. I did not rush having my tube removed. 

    I also had persistent stomach issues throughout. Only when I started eating three meals did it start to subside. The liquid foods do this.  I was between taking  Imodium or ducolax. 

  • Hi Des

    One year post treatment....My taste is returning but still a not quite there... meat does not excite me....sweet tomatoes with most meals...can now taste strawberries and rasps....not nippy like a couple of months ago...chicken salad subs OK.....takes time....  had battered haddock and chips today with vinaigrette salad...washed down with an AF Guinness...slow going ...but enjoyed it.


  • Hi Peter

    May I ask, many people say they go alco free on this site - is that because of the taste/reaction  or for health reasons? as I am back enjoying beer & can drink some shorts with mixers. Red wine, a former favourite, is a no go area but one likes a challenge!

    Just wondering if there is a reason I should not drink?

  • Hi Chemo

    Personal choice for me.... had heart surgery 20+ years ago.... meds I was on/still on do not do well with alcohol, but I do enjoy the odd weak shandy and AF beer....

    AF wine? I used to enjoy it immensely ....but last couple of bottles have been pretty  grim....hopefully this will improve.


  • Hi. At 10 weeks I tried my first tastes of jelly.  As the weeks progress your sister should get support from speech therapy and dieticians. I found creamy textures better so as she doesn't eat dairy you might want to blend a bit of avocado or banana into soups, cashew or peanut butter into smoothies or try very very mild sweet potato and coconut curry soup . I've recently discovered I can melt pieces of beef monster Munch in my mouth with water and Aldi do a BBQ flavour copy of quavers called curlers which melt easily and gently get the taste buds waking up! Don't be in a rush, feeding tubes are invaluable for keeping nutrition and energy up. All the best x

  • Once I started eating again, I found mayonnaise a great help.

    Got to the stage where I was having it with everything and getting through a jar every 2 weeks

    I still have it with a lot of things now.

    Made it to Christmas, made it to my birthday, had a nice summer, made it to my 2nd (and 3rd) Christmas now writing a blog about my treatment -
  • eter

    May I ask, many people say they go alco free on this site - is that because of the taste/reaction  or for health reasons? as I am back enjoying beer & can drink some shorts with mixers. Red wine, a former favourite, is a no go area but one likes a challenge!

    Just wondering if there is a reason I should not drink?

    Everything in moderation. 
    I’ve not gone down the AF route. I’ve always enjoyed a good craft ale and found I still could at six months. It took two years before I could enjoy red wine. Spirits I avoid unless it’s a G&T. Neat spirits seem daft to me. Just tickling any residual HPV. No thanks. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Peter. That’s good to know. I find a lot of fruit is tart especially strawberries or as you say nippy. I live ok bananas and have started eating avocados .  I like fish but dislike chips.  Thanks for the sweet potato tip. I’ll definitely add those to my meals .  Yeah you can keep meat and chicken. I’m enjoying veggie patties 

  • I got back onto alcohol as soon as I could.  I even injected it though my PEG as an experiment.  Getting back onto alcohol was not through a need for alcohol, but a need to normalise things.  I don't drink that much, maybe a single G&T or a real ale, but it is good to socialise.  I used to love red wine, but like you at the moment it is a no-go.  I think a lot of that has to do with the tannin content of the red wine as tannin also have a drying effect on saliva and we have little enough before we start.

    Life is short and we have to die of something.  If drinking alcohol or eating fat rich foods (which helps swallow) kills me a few months before I might otherwise die then the quality and enjoyment of my life is worth far more than the quantity at this stage.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • yeah Peter, I hear ya... I celebrated with a trip to London, and an old fashioned at a place in Covent Garden that mixes a lovely one.... a beer while I watch the rugby is also enjoyable... I used to really enjoy barrel strength bourbon, but I guess I have to draw a line somewhere.. 

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive..