Any advice most welcome please….

  • 6 replies
  • 141 subscribers


I wonder if I could please ask for advice. I have just been put on the 2 week pathway referral for ENT. Basically a cough for 6 months, hoarse voice, odd sensation of sometimes not being able to swallow and constantly having to clear my throat.

I was treated for Squamous Cell Carcinoma Stage III colon cancer in 2021 (prior to that I narrowly avoided HPV driven cervical cancer some 20 years earlier by catching it just in time CIN III diagnosis (just before stage 1)). Needless to say I am HPV positive which is what drives SCC cancer so having a bit of a worry about things right now. 

Saw GP yesterday about this cough/throat that I’ve had for 6 months. I also have this strange sensation of tightness around my neck, hot sweats, fatigue. He had a look at my throat and put me straight on the pathway. All he said was it looks a bit red.  He was particularly evasive and didn’t want to answer my questions why he thought this was necessary when I thought it was just my thyroid as blood tests have shown for some months my thyroid is playing up or even the 100 day cough we’ve all heard so much about but he was quite insistent I get on the pathway asap. I wasn’t expecting that at all  

Having been on this route twice before and both times being positive for cancer you can imagine I’m feeling quite concerned. 

Anyone else’s journey started with this annoying constant clearing of throat - no nasal drip and it’s not silent reflux either as already tried omeprazole - no obvious lumps or bumps. 

Any advice would be most welcome. Hoping it’s not anything sinister but I’d like to be prepared and have the right questions to ask and know what my options are. 

Thank you so much! Hugging 

  • Hi

    I had a swollen tonsil for nearly 2 years before being diagnosed with T2N1M0 HPV16+ tonsil cancer.... little in the way of any other symptoms...frequent visits to GP and dentist before finally being urgently referred to ENT...  

    Had colorectal cancer in 2017....tumour removed.... not related.


  • Hi I had hpv  driven tonsil cancer I had no cough only  a lump in my neck. Onky thing I can say is over 90% of ent cancer referrals aren’t cancer  but it’s the quickest way of getting seen. I know my trusts general waiting list for Ent is in excess of 37 weeks best advise I can give is try to keep busy keep of dr Google and keep in touch. Any questions just ask hopefully you won’t need us, but if you do we’re a friendly bunch always willing to help

    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Any advice would be most welcome. Hoping it’s not anything sinister but I’d like to be prepared and have the right questions to ask and know what my options are. 


    Sorry to read you might be facing this again. 
    There aren’t any real questions that I can think of until you have a diagnosis. The options are surgery chemotherapy and radiotherapy; one or a combination of any of them 

    Fingers crossed for you but if you need us we are here 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Prettypinkroses

    Sounds like you have been through the mill twice before ….

    I also had cancer twice,stage 2 BCC removed from end of nose with MOHS surgery, then T4 tonsil cancer spread to lymphs in neck base of tongue and activity in left.One of lucky 90% of people that treatment worked for x

    As you are experiencing this for the third time …the waiting stage is horrific and thankfully you are now on the correct two week pathway( normally seen as soon as they can fit you in) .

    The ENT will give you a thorough assessment and possibly a scope( camera up nostril to look at your throat, a little strange maybe uncomfortable for some people )but shouldn't hurt .

    Depending on what ENT decides then maybe more tests will be booked in asap.

    Try to keep that anxious brain busy, do all the things you enjoy , eat your favourite foods and keep off Google .

    Keeping everything crossed for you x

    Lovely group of supportive people here and never a daft question x


  • Thank you all… what prompt responses I’m so grateful!     

    Im a fully fledged member on another forum on here for my cancer in 2021 and it never ceases to amaze me how lovely people are on this forum. And goodness have I needed them! 

    So thank you to you all!! 2 weeks to wait in the big scheme of things isn’t long and like you say quite likely I’ll be be absolutely fine! I’ve fought this battle before so I’m well armed for any chemoradiation (though just the thought of that again… I did 6 weeks of chemo and radiation every day, it’s not easy as I suspect you all know). 

    I’ve banned myself from Google and am trying a nasal spray the GP gave (no relief so far but only got it yesterday Joy) but I’ll keep you posted once I’ve been seen and let you know. 

    Thank you for being so kind and taking time out of your evening to reply to me. I’ll sleep a bit better tonight now. 

    Take care all, I’ll be in touch once I know more and thanks again xx Kissing heart 

  • You’re welcome. As you know the waiting games the worst part. Please feel free to pop on anytime between now and the appointment. Plus chase up if you’ve not got a date as it’s always possible that you might slip through the system. We’ve all found being proactive is the way to go. 
    Sleep well and try not to worth over anything you’ve no control over. 
    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help