Hi and here’s where I’m up to…..

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  • 144 subscribers

The past few weeks have been hell after a neck biopsy and scan on a suspicious lump on the 10th of May. I was told to expect the worst…..

My life changed forever on the 21st when it was confirmed I have head and neck cancer. Secondary in a lymph node in neck. Then another wait to see the specialist…..

On Tuesday the primary was confirmed as throat cancer (soft pallet) not sure how far back it goes or the stage.

Next steps further tests from biopsy and possibly a second biopsy.

CT scan and MRI scan to see if spread to my lungs (unlikely but needs to be ruled out.) Both booked for next week along with a dental check. The speed of appointments has been amazing! 

Then a follow up appointment with all departments involved in my treatment.

Treatment will be high doasage radiotherapy for 30 sessions Monday to Friday. To potentially start end of month.

I may need chemotherapy.

I will have a nasal tube fitted to help feed me.

It’s all a waiting game and it takes a toll on you mentally and everyone in your life. I’m lucky as I was already in the system and my skin cancer nurse has pushed to get me seen.

I’m staying positive with some low days but really drained and now not sleeping well. Still working and teaching dance fitness. My classes are the only time I feel normal…..

I am determined to get back to work and teaching as soon as I can and my consultant has said that being positive, fit and young (who new 51 was considered young, cheered me right up) will help! 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our little supportive group but sorry to see you here. 
    Everything seems to be moving quickly for you which is a good thing. 
    Secondary cancer in a neck node is the classic presentation of HPV driven oropharyngeal cancer which is very sensitive to radiotherapy. It has a 90% cure rate. 
    I’m over five years clear after six weeks of RT living really well with few long lasting side effects. 
    Stay with us. There are lots of us here to help and listen xx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi, thanks so much for the welcome and encouraging words! Great to hear such a positive story x

  • I had radio + chemo for tonsil cancer a year ago. Not a bundle of fun, but manageable. It took about seven months for me to go back to work. Now life is pretty much back to normal - I have a dry mouth and a sometimes tingly tongue but otherwise all is good. I'm 63 so you are a lot younger!


  • Hi and thanks for sharing 

  • Hi Triple threat 

    sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis x really glad that you have had such a speedy journey so far and also found ypur way onto this group.

    I also had skin cancer( aged 52) then at 55 T4 tonsil cancer spread to base of tongue activity in left one and several lymphs down my neck.needed 7 weeks high dise radio 2 overnight chemos .

    Thie waiting is horrific ,combination of  fear of the unknown , feeling unsafe and  the not knowing if it has sprea(which is very unlikely)..sadly we have all been there and our brains went on anxiety overload x

    Keep busy sounds like dancing is really helping x

    Dont go on google it had me dead and buried Joyhappily I was told by the group to stay away and i like over 90% have had successful treatment x

    Your team will support you through what can only be described by the majority of us as extremely tough treatment ,enjoy yourself before it starts eat your favourite foods etc

     Never a daft question on this group always someone to offer their own experience x You are not alone in this x


  • Hi Triple

    T2N1M0 HPV16+ Tonsil cancer finished ChemoRadio June 2023

    Treatment is very challenging but certainly worthwhile....long tough journey ahead ...,some tolerate the treatment better than others ....I hope you are one of the lucky ones....keep us updated on your progress....plenty of support from this fantastic group ....lots of sound advice....most have been there done it.

    Take care and best of luck 


  • Hi and welcome from me.  Others have said everything needed at this stage.  We will all chip in with advice based on our lived experiences as you go through treatment and ask questions.  I am now nearly 4 months post treatment and feeling better each day.  Your fitness is going to stand you in good stead.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi, I will def check it out. Thanks 

  • HinTriplethtreat. Welcome to the club that no one wanted to join I’m al most 6  years from diagnosis was 61 when diagnosed I too was fit i had just cycled 1100 kms in Southern Spain. But lo and behold I had tonsil cancer with spread to soft  palate and 7 lymoh nodes to top it all. I had 35 radiotherapy and 2 out of 3 chemo. Treatments hard recovery can be long but I did it. My ng tube was my lifesaver I had it fitted towards the end if week 3 when I lost the ability to eat and drink enough to maintain nutrition. 
    any questions just ask we are  a  friendly bunch. I was HPV 16 postive ask if you’re  biopsy has confirmed that the lump in the neck is a classic sign. Our cancers are eminently curabke cure rate approx 90%


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help