
  • 2 replies
  • 80 subscribers

Hi everyone, just ending 7th week post treatment and I'm wondering when the soreness in my throat should start calming down?

I thought it was getting better last week but seems to have took a few steps back. I was introducing little bits of  food this week and wondering if I've pushed swallowing too far ? Do I have to still push through this soreness or let it calm down ? It is totally on the side that's had most RT. The pain has gone swallowing it's just the soreness when I swallow ,I hope you know what I mean, please advise if you have had similar.

Many thanks Mark 

  • I was on morphine till 12 weeks but by then I was eating soft food. Steps forward and back, I’m afraid 

    You don’t have to push but if it’s bearable it will do your swallow muscles good to actually work in something that’s not liquid. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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  • Hi Mark 

    I finished chemoradio early June 2023, September 2023 oncology team were happy with the condition of my  mouth and throat, little inflammation/pain.......gave the go ahead for a hernia repair op, intubation tore the lining a bit, that took a month to settle down .... still had niggles for a few months afterwards, radiotherapy hits the area hard.... Difflam spray helps.
