Sinonasal cancer

  • 15 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself and connect with the group. Also wondering if anyone else has been through treatment for sinonasal cancer? I'm 3 weeks out of a 7 week course of proton beam therapy daily plus cisplatin once a week. I'm getting a lot of the same symptoms and side effects that accompany all types of head and neck cancer treatment, but over all I think I'm doing okay. The emotional side is my main struggle, I'm worrying constantly while knowing that worrying doesn't change anything. It just makes me miserable on days I could be enjoying, rather than just wasting my time thinking of negative outcomes that may never happen. But I know it all takes time and small successes are to be celebrated - I'm starting to eat more food on top of the Ensure drinks! So hello to you all and I'm looking forward to being part of a group of people who really know how this all feels.

  • Hi Beth

    All the things you are worried about are natural. It is so alien to us to start a new routine where we have to add extras into our life like jaw exercises, dental care, getting enough nutrients. We normally have fairly routine activities for self care that we follow and they are just part of our life but add in extras and it can become rather overwhelming.

    It takes time to adjust but you do get there. I now have a completely different daily routine of self care. Routine gives us comfort and getting used to new ones can get a bit of getting used to. It then becomes natural again.

    Be kind to yourself and don't push yourself too hard.



  • That is so true! I woke up today feeling like something has shifted and all I did differently yesterday was chat on here with people who know how this really feels. I know there'll be setbacks, but I'd forgotten what it's like to feel this positive, and today I'm just going to wallow in it!!

  • Thank you Lyn. Yes there are so many changes even the small ones are overwhelming! I think I was pushing myself too hard, but I feel I have a better perspective on that today. Time to go forward with a new mindset and this connection with you and other people who are going/have gone through the same experiences. I'm very glad I found this group! 

  • Good evening, Beepa. I'm pleased the replies to your post have helped you. We have all been through the worrying stage and still do, but it gets less frequent as the years go by. Thankfully, im like Dani, a glass-half-full person who just took it a day at a time and kept me busy even if it was doing crosswords, reading, etc. as it takes your mind off your recovery., you are right about worrying about not changing anything. Still, its only natural to worry, and talking about it does help especially in places like this where we have all worn the tee shirt. Well done in finding your appetite as it's so important on the road to recovery plus the Ensures are not that appetising Slight smile Always remember there is professional help available if you ever need it. Wishing you all the best, take care.

                                                                                           Chris . x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Hi Chris. My appetite is gradually returning, but very slowly. It's been my thoughts that have caused me the most problems recently, and that's when it helps to share experiences and talk. I've been able to fill my day today doing things I like. I'm working towards restarting some of my hobbies, but not managed it yet. It's good to hear others' coping strategies too. Thanks for the advice Slight smile