Metastatic SCC in paratoid gland

  • 11 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Received a diagnosis of a metastatic SCC in the paratoid gland (primary SCC was on my temple on the same side) after MRI, CT and FNA. Yesterday was given a treatment plan of Total paratoidectomy including sacrifice of the facial nerve, and a neck disection. With radiotherapy to follow.

I was told that the cancer was in my lymph nodes in the paratoid gland and until the lymph nodes in my neck are removed, we cannot be sure if they have cancer cells. Surgery is next week.

At this point would the consultant know the staging of my cancer? Having done some research it appears it's the CT that determines the staging. Should he have told me? How will I find out my longer term prognosis, or are these all questions that will be answered after surgery. Or do I ask the consultant to confirm answers to them now. 

  • Or do I ask the consultant to confirm answers to them now. 

    Yes it’s a question for your oncologist but staging depends on pathology. If they find cancer in the lymph nodes the stage is different from one where there is no nodal involvement 

    Regarding prognosis I would counsel you don’t look for answers on Google. This is just second guessing. No matter what the stats say you are individual. 
    One all the pathology is through your consultant will have an idea but it’s still just a guess 

    So sorry you are facing such drastic surgery. Do stay with us. Somebody with a similar story should be able to help more. 
    For anything else……there’s always somebody here to talk to 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi KTM78 I started off with base of tongue cancer which they thought spread to one side but actually went to both . I was treated with radio and chemo , Happy days got the all clear on the scans for about a year . I was stopped at a red traffic light and a guy drove straight into the back of me. I contacted my cancer nurse a week or two afterwards and saw the consultant and he said I might not need an operation but I was going to have one , They removed 33 lymph nodes and 2 were cancerous neck dissection  . Unfortunately they could not get the margins so the cancer is still in my neck and spread to lungs and liver. But on an up note I have just finished chemo again and the scan is good. I have just come back from a 5 mile walk and life is good. Just go with the flow is my advice. We are looking for answers the doctors dont even know yet so take everything they say with a cellar of salt. Any questions ask away All the Best minmax  

  • Good evening KTM78, when i was first diagnosed with head and neck cancer (2008) it was all new to me and to be honest i never knew it existed. I never knew the staging of my cancer or what the outcome would be, sometimes the consultant does not know fully until they do the operation. My first cancer was of the mouth including a neck dissection, removal of lymph nodes and saliva glands which was unknown at the time plus a small part of my tongue. I never researched anything at the time as i think it would have affected how i dealt with it all, it was only about two years ago that i looked at my staging etc , mine was stage 4 which is the highest so in a way im glad i never took any notice at the time as all i wanted was the cancer gone. Most head and neck cancer have a very good cure and recovery rate but everyone is different in how they get there. Wishing you all the best for your surgery next week , take care.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Hi Chris Hope you're keeping well and still having your pint of Guinness. That is an amazing story. I have moved over to the incurables forum now as after my neck dissection there was cancer they couldn't remove this had now spread to liver and lungs but is stable at the minute so happy days. I dont know if I should be joining the liver and lung forum also lol . All the Best minmax 

  • have moved over to the incurables forum

    I think of you often. So glad you pop on to talk to your old mates here xx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks Dani Yes can't believe it was 2020 when I first started treatment and you gave me many wise words which helped  save the day All the Best minmax

  • Hi KTM78

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it is always a shock to be diagnosed with cancer but you will get lots of support from this forum.

    Like Chris I was rather ignorant when I was first diagnosed with jaw cancer and did not even know about staging. I have no idea what stage I was and never asked. I just went with my teams recommendations.

    I have had 3 very successful ops and 2 lots of radiotherapy over time (first op in 2013) and am still here to tell the tale and am enjoying my life to the max.

    It will be much easier when you have a clearer picture from your medical team. Head and neck cancers do have a high cure rate.

    Sending you all the best



  • I'm still taking the medicine Slight smile minmax, as Dani said it is always lovely to hear from you, and your great advice. Indeed happy days, keep up the positive vibes, and all the best to you my friend.

                                              Chris xx

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you all so much. We're trying not to dwell on things. Once surgery is done, at least we know what the full battle strategy will be.

  • Please let us know how you get on KTM78 or if you need further help, advice or support. Take care.

                                     Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge