Rig help

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  • 85 subscribers

Hi again

I’m currently in hospital after having a RIG fitted yesterday and I’ve never had so much pain in my life. I’m meant to be going home today but it hurts my stomach to move or walk, I’m so fed up, did anyone else suffer this much with the fitting? 

  • i also have stomach probs ibs and diverticulitis along with celiac so i do suffer as well and dont be sorry iam glad i got the heads up xx  

  • sending a massive hug right back to you xx iam dreading it also xx

  • I have just remembered how much I dreaded the drive over pot holes and then speed bumps at the hospital. And getting on and off the table was not easy either. The discomfort did ease quite quickly (thank goodness). Rest and relax as much as you can... it will get easier. Lisa x 

  • Hi Lisa,

    I’m still in pain after 4 days, how long did your pain last and when did all your stitches fall out? X

  • Hi, I think the discomfort started to ease after about a week/10 days. I had a PEG so no stitches just a gaping hole which freaked me out a bit and then oozed (someone on here referred to it as snot which I think was spot on!). I can chuckle about it now but it was not fun at the time. Having it out was a quick and painless procedure at least. If you have any queries or troubles give me a shout. Am happy to help/re-assure. Lx 

  • Did you have a pain down your left side where the peg was fitted? I don’t know what else to take for pain relief, at the mo I’m taking codeine, buscopan and ibroprofen and still uncomfortable unless I’m lying flat or sitting in a composition x

  • I did have pain on the left side where the PEG was. Had IV paracetamol in the hospital after the procedure and wished I could have had more once I got home. I can’t take codeine / cocodamol so had to get through procedure and treatment on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Made sure I took them by the clock to avoid slipping in to too much pain. I used hot water bottles for comfort too… x 

  • Thanks Lisa that is really helpful. I may switch from Codeine to paracetamol as I don’t think Codeine does me any favours with constipation! Good tip with the hot water bottle too x

  • I was in Broomfield Chelmsford. I wish you well for the 7th. Are you under Southend or Colchester for your RT. I will be going to Southend Hospital for my treatment in August and very scared of what to expect. 

  • Hi sue don’t be scared you can do it. It’s hard but it’s doable one day at a time any issues tell your team straight away. Don’t think it will get better invariably it won’t make

    sure you’ve enough pain killers etc on a Friday as most things kick Off on a Friday night. Any questions ask us we’re all happy to help.Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help