Renewal of medical exemption Certificate

  • 7 replies
  • 84 subscribers

Has anyone renewed their medical exemption certificate after the initial 5 years. 

I have been identified as having osteoradionecrosis, which is as a direct effect of radio therapy. 

One of the criteria for renewing  is suffering from the effects of cancer treatment, so I’m wondering if this counts. 

When it flares up it involves anti biotics, and I’m constantly in Fear of it spreading. 

  • I do't think you'll have a problem at all, my GP was happy to give me exemption purely on the basis of Complan on prescription. If you get anything as a result of the cancer you should be fine.

    Community Champion Badge

    Metastatic SCC diagnosed 8th October 2013. Modified radical neck dissection November, thirty-five radiotherapy fractions with 2xCisplatin chemo Jan/Feb 2014. Recurrence on larynx diagnosed July 2020 so salvage laryngectomy in September 2020.

  • Hello DLC23, I have renewed my once since I first got cancer and never had any problems getting a new one , im sure you will be ok as it is a direct affect from radiotherapy. Mine is due next year. My teeth are gradually getting weaker due to radiotherapy but they don't like removing them . All the best .

                                                                    Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember

    Hi DLC23

    I renewed mine last year without any problem so I'm sure you'll be fine.

    It's good that you've bought up the subject of these certificates because it's useful to remind people who have joined our group recently that they are available.  I've come several new patients over the years who have not been told about them.  They are extremely useful as they can be used for all prescriptions whether they are to do with the cancer or not.  I met a lady the other day who had been paying for creams, ointments and food supplements which were all to do with her cancer.  Nobody had explained to her that she was entitled to free prescriptions but she needed to apply for a certificate.

    Best wishes xx

  • Hi

    As I am over 60 I don't pay for prescriptions but just wondered if this certificate covers any dental work caused by the cancer. 



  • No at a normal dentist, I do get my opturator for free though as that is done at the hospital and is I think specialist work. I think that if you are on certain benefits you can get it though.

  • You need to be on a means tested benefit to qualify for free dentistry, disability benefits aren't means tested so don't qualify you which is outrageous for people in our position imo. I have to see the hygienist every three months (£42 a time) plus dentist every six; adds up over a year. Silly thing is if you need more done and you see a restorative dentist at the hospital it is all free.

    Community Champion Badge

    Metastatic SCC diagnosed 8th October 2013. Modified radical neck dissection November, thirty-five radiotherapy fractions with 2xCisplatin chemo Jan/Feb 2014. Recurrence on larynx diagnosed July 2020 so salvage laryngectomy in September 2020.

  • As I was off work so much last year I'm claiming TAX Credits.

    Throughout all my treatment I had a medical exemption certificate but not a tax credit exemption certificate

    In April this year they sent me a tax credits exemption certificate so I know have both.

    It's a crazy system as they base it on the previous years income which meant when I really needed one I didn't have one.

    Now that I don't need it as much I have one.

    It's far better than a medical exemption certificate though as it not only means I don't pay dental fees, it also means I don't pay hospital car park fees and have my travel expenses paid back.

    I estimate it would have saved me about £500 if i had it the year I actually needed itDisappointed

    Just to add, anyone who has a medical exemption one should still see if they are entitled to a tax credits one as they are so much better.

    Made it to Christmas, made it to my birthday, had a nice summer, made it to my 2nd (and 3rd) Christmas now writing a blog about my treatment -