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I'm sorry if this is rhe wrong place to post this but I'm so lost and I don't know where to go from here. My husband was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer at the beginning of April after having an endoscopy late march, he struggles to eat and was put on a feeding tube, sessions of chemo worked wonders for him and he was able to eat some normal things again but still on the JEG tube. He had his surgery delayed after waiting 5 weeks for scan results which he was told he possibly had a chest infection so the surgery was CANCELLED not delayed! Weeks went by with no input from the hospital and despite is raising concerns regarding his eating again we felt like we was being fobbed off as if it was normal. He started struggling with his breathing and his oxy stats was pretty low GP confirmed this and he was sent to the hospital as they thought he had a blood clot on his lungs. Xrays showed fluid build up on both lungs left side worse than the right, he had this drained but within a few days it was back again and also a diagnosis of lung cancer too. He was given 12 months to last only 3 weeks! He passed away peacefully with myself and his mum holding his hand. He was 49 years old. I do blame the hospital for his delay in treating him taking 5 weeks for a scan result one hospital had actually said it was clear nothing showing on the abdomen as they thought it spread there never mentioned anything about his lungs. He was treated absolutely disgusting like he didn't matter! The macmillan staff was amazing and when he arrived at the hospice 12 hours prior to his passing they treated him with the upmost dignity and respect. I miss him we got married in the hospital 5 days before he passed. 

  • I meant to add that he passed away Oct 2024. 

  • This is such a sad story and I am so sorry that you feel  you have been so badly let down by his medical team. You certainly seem to have been let down by poor communication and to have your husband stolen away from you at such a young age and just a few days after your marriage is a particularly cruel twist of the knife. I’m sure that the past few months have been very difficult for you to cope with and I hope that you are getting whatever support you need. Wishing you strength and fortitude in the months that lie ahead…. CB

  • So sorry to hear how you were treated ,hope you have the support now to get you all through the tough times ahead.

  • I am so very sorry to read this and my heart goes out to you. I hope you have family and friends who can support and care for you as you come to terms with your loss. I am happy you were able to marry …… my partner and I have also just had a tiny wedding as he also has OC and the future seems less than certain. Sending love Two hearts 

  • I'm very sorry for your loss. It must feel worse for you because you were given the hope of treatment only for this to be taken away. Your experience is a stark reminder of the brutality of this cancer. 

    Sending love at this difficult time x

  • Thank you all for your kind words, unfortunately I'm pretty much alone in this my family live in another city and altho we talk on the phone I don't get to get that much needed hug that I need at times, I have marks family but they are going thro a tough time too so it's just me trying to navigate my own greif whilst trying to support my childrens too. I don't trust councillors went to one after my son passed away and they basically told me to lie to my younger children about why he passed away ( accidental hanging) they didn't look at the notes the GP had sent and presumed he took his own life intentionally. Sorry to go on just lost and alone. 

  • Please don't EVER apologise for reaching out to our wonderful family of survivors on this wonderful forum.

    We are all here for the same reasons, to get advice, to rant and race, to feel we are all part of the same battle against this terrible disease called cancer.

    Take care and keep posting whatever you need to make a difference.

    Anthony x

  • Hi Whitesdemon, 

    It must have been very difficult for you to pen your post here, but I hope you have found some support from the forum so far. 

    There is an alternative forum, which you may have already found, which is specifically for the partners of those lost to this cruel disease, you can find it HERE 

    You could also contact PALS and ask them to investigate why there was such a delay in scan results and treatment, this may, or may not give you a clearer understanding of how things escalated in such a dreadful way. 

    I also feel saddened to read that because of the incorrect comments of one (poor) counsellor, that you now feel that you are unable to trust any, there really are some people out there who are extremely good at just being there for others, without much in the way of telling what you should, or should not be doing.. 

    I offer my condolences on the loss of both your Son and your Husband, and hope that you can find some support within these forums, through the difficult months ahead. 


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • Thank you, not really got much support if I'm honest but I'm working on myself and my children finding different ways to cope and I have some bad days and some awful days very few OK days. Even moreHeartspainful mark passed away on my 50th birthday, it's a blessing in a way as he is making sure I never forget him and I certainly won't do that. Hearts

  • God its so sad bless your heart you should write a complaint to the hospital for not treating him properly maybe it would help to write it all down and let them know how they let you and your husband & family down. I send you huge hugs wish I could do more this illness is so cruel.