
  • 6 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi All

I hope you’ve all had the best day that you can.

I’m really hoping you can advise/help me please. I had my second round of chemo today & with the first round, I could start to eat. However, for the last three or four days I literally feel like I have swallowed a golf ball & the chemo hasn’t helped like I thought it would today.

Even when drinking, I am literally bringing up what looks like fizz (& not the fizz I like & soz, if your having dinner) Is this normal?

Don’t want to make I fuss, but now all my meds have been changed to liquid today, what if I bring them up? Sorry first post & hope this message is ok x

  • From my dad's experience and from reading others experiences on here the fizz you describe is fairly common. 

    If you're at all concerned my advice would be to call the oncology phone number, you should have been given one when you started chemo? My dad held off calling for certain things and he suffered side effects he didn't need to. And please make a fuss, the treatment is tremendously tough so anything you're worried about or suffering from please call the help line 


  • Hi Chelsea Sue. Sorry to read about your problems. Can I suggest you write up your profile and then others can see what pathway you are on as there are several different ones. This may help those following the same pathway to comment more effectively on your symptoms. 

  • If the Fizz carries on, call the chemo hotline, they will be able to give the best advise!

    I hope that things are a little better now though. 


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • Hi Lowe. Thank you for replying. Yeap ended up in Marsden Emergency Help Care & just about managed to not be admitted! They said that the lump in my actual throat could be caused by the tumour or I have a slight infection in my mouth. Returned home with a shed load of drugs to make it all easier, so fingers crossed. Hope you’re ok too! x

    • Thank you so much! Spent the day in Emergency Care at the Marsden & narrowly missed an admission! Yes I’ve learnt now to use the number, just don’t like to make a fuss. I hope your Dad is coping as well as he can x
  • Chelsea Sue,

    I hope the new meds work and that you start to feel more comfortable. I am glad that you went back to the hospital because what they don't know they can't help with! 

    And as for not wanting to make a fuss, Well! that may well have to be a mindset you think about changing Thinking  Now is the time for you to ensure that you do make a fuss if things don't feel right , even if it is only a little fuss.. you deserve to be comfortable and the chemo staff need to be aware if you're not, and it's only you who can ensure they are.  

    You have a heap of medical support around you, just waiting to be given, so please don't do any discomfort in silence.

    Hopefully they will now work something out for your next session which will minimise any further issues Wink 

    Good Luck 


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!