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Hi sorry not been on here much tough few weeks fella finally hone form hospital after 4 weeks stent put in liver to un block duct . So chemo now to start on 20th march. Hes finding it hard ti swallow soilds so hes on soups and smoothies the blender is my friend not his . At this moment in time hes trying ready break i find leaving the room and letting hin eat in quiet kinf of helos but i can here him as its painfull to eat anythung hopefully chemo will help ease this. Sorry for rant hope u all have a nice weekend

  • No apologies needed at all. I often wonder if this bas**d disease is sometimes worse on the carer than the cared for. I couldn't imagine I'd have got through my treatment if I'd been on my own. Even simple tasks like making something to eat would have been difficult at times. We're all on this boat together Mia and are eager to support our fellow passengers in whatever way possible.

    Take Care and be kind to yourself Purple heart
