Chemo delay

  • 8 replies
  • 51 subscribers

So my partners chemo was delayed due to hes became jaundance so they admitted him as his liver bloods were in their words deranged that was last tueday and today hes finnaly have a procdure to unblock his bile duct

  • Good to hear something is being done about the liver but it's unfortunate that the chemo is delayed. Is your partner's liver problem linked with the OC? I'm asking because my husband has mets in the liver and wonder if he might develop problems with liver function in addition to swallowing problems.

  • They are not sure he coudnt have the procedure done as tge tube coudnt fit down so now hes gonna have a drain put ib his side to drain the bile duct there he has to drink lota has his kidneys seem to be afftected they think jus dydration 

  • Sorry it's taken a few days to reply. The last few days have been difficult. My husband has been unable to eat and even had problems drinking at times. He had an emergency appointment with the oncologist, who thinks he is so tired because he is dehydrated and they've reserved a bed in case this continues so that he can be hooked up to an iv for hydration and nutrition. As long as he is able to drink and get nutrition through supplements and other liquid forms, he is having a stent fitted into his oesophagus until his tumour shrinks or as long as it enables him to continue to feed himself. They won't start the 2nd line chemo unless he is consuming sufficient nutrients and calories to stay sufficiently healthy to cope. 

    And all the time we're fearful of the spread. I keep checking his eyes and skin colour in case his liver mets have caused too much damage.

    What a horrible disease this is!

    Sending love xxx

  • Just wanted to send virtual hugs and love. I’m so sorry this is happening to your husband and hope so much he can get some relief soon. We are all here for you Rose

    Geraldine x

  • so sorry to read this, you seem to be following in my footsteps. sending hugs.

  • Hi yes he coudnt have a stent fittedcto un block the duct due to him not being able to get tube doen do thry fid it on his chest instead hoprfully home at weekend

  • Thank you, Geraldine. This forum has become a kind of refuge for me. I attended an online event through work that was about rare cancers. One of the people who had survived treatment for one of these cancers spoke about how much comfort she got once she reached out and found people with the same type of cancer. She used the term 'my people'. I thought to myself that this forum is where 'my people' are.

    Love to all xxx

  • Bless you Lorraine it certainly has been a great help to me, when I was first diagnosed and spent a month in hospital I did not meet one single person who was experiencing the same as me and when I found this site I though wow there are other people out there and it was such a comfort. I think the term “my people “ is very apt ! Sending hugs to both you and bikerbabe you both know you have our support xxx