
  • 9 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I am 12 months post op doing OK but still getting very tired. I have a funny feeling in my throat. I have had the camera down but everything was clear.  Is there anyone else who has a funny sensation in their throat 

  • Hoping you get some reassurance from someone with a similar experience.

  • Hi there. 

    I feel some pain now and then. I think that's where the suture is. 

    I didn't have any checks yet, but I have an appointment with the surgeon next week. I'll see what he says. I recall some  members of our group mentioned issues with the area where the stitches are. It can harden or shrink a bit. 

    I am one year post surgery too. Happy anniversary to the both of us I guess?

    Please give me a nudge in two weeks. I may not remember to share info. 

    Take care


  • Can you explain about the suture please because that has never been mentioned to me 

  • I am also coming up on one year post op. Like yourself, I still tire easily. When I get a constricted feeling in my throat (if that is what you are describing) it usually coincides with a recent episode of reflux and goes away after a while. If it persists then I would contact your cancer team. Best wishes CB

  • When I had the camera down and everything showed clear I asked what was causing this feeling in my throat and they said reflux 

    It's just worrying that it is not going away 

  • That's where what remains of the oesophagus is stitched to what's left of your stomach or in some cases intestine 

  • Didn't know it was that high up

  • I am 16 months post op, still clear, and am on the SARONG trial so had an endoscopy at 12 months. I, too, was having some odd sensations, but was told reflux.

    I was only on 20mg Omeprazole twice a day at the time. However, they have upped this to 40mg twice a day and the change is huge! I can't believe how much better it feels! I'd even go as far as saying eating feels 'normal' these days (apart from portion size of course).

    I didn't realise reflux could cause these odd feelings, but it must have been that as my endoscopy was also totally normal. I was also told that if I get these odd feelings again, to not suffer in silence and mention them, as there are option for the 'big boys' (drugs) to take, or possibly stretching of the scar tissue if that becomes an issue.

    I was also told not to worry - it's all totally normal, and part of the healing process, even this late after the operation. I definitely underestimated how it would all affect me.

  • Thank you that was very helpful and reassuring