My Dad …

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  • 50 subscribers

We received the devastating news dad has oesophageal cancer. Super fit until 3 weeks ago. Now dealing with worry and stress. 
Navigating it all is difficult even as a nurse myself! 
I had to arrange a gp appt on behalf of my dad as they stopped alL his current medications when the surgery received the consultant letter …. So everyone has given up already ! We haven’t had all tests back yet so unable to make a fully informed decision about the future….though his gp has informed me dad has weeks and not months left!! Utterly devastated, angry and in shock! How does he know this!! He doesn’t when I put my sensible head on!! 
im all consumed at the moment, had to take time away from work and cannot discuss with mum and dad! Logically I know the gp was wrong telling me this but I cannot get it out of my head! Not sleeping and trying to be strong for everyone else!! Good to just write it down!  Thanks for reading Blush

  • Hi Jo T 

    So sorry you’re in this situation and your Dad is so poorly .

    Having lost my Dad in August ,after finding out whilst he was in hospital after a fall , that he had metastatic cancer and then within seven weeks he was gone , I can fully understand how you’re feeling .My Dad’s primary cancer wasn’t found so he couldn’t be treated .
    I know you’re probably walking about in a haze of shock and disbelief that this can actually  be happening to you and your family .

    I don’t know what your Dad’s GP is basing the prognosis on if all the test results aren’t back yet ? We didn’t deal much with Dad’s GP at the time , our main contacts were his hospital medical team.Dad wasn’t given a timeline as we were just told it was life threatening , so even though we knew the situation wasn’t good we just took one day at a time .

    I hope you receive some definitive answers soon and then as a family you can plan the next step .

    sending hugs at this difficult time 

    J x

  • Morning Jo t

    So sorry to read this.  I can only imagine how you're feeling about this devastating position you find yourselves in.

    So pleased that you found this forum as there's lots of lovely and helpful people on here that will help. 

    Stay strong sweetheart Sparkling heart 

    Much love 



  • I  so sorry to hear about your father. The anxiety you feel is coming through your words and it is so desperately sad that this disease creeps up on the seemingly fit.  
    Does the answer to why your GP has stopped all of your father’s medication and given him a prognosis lie in the letter sent to the surgery. Do you or your father have a copy of this letter? Stopping medications may not necessarily mean everyone has given up on him. I think for peace of mind you need to understand why the changes to his medication have been made. (May it be that the risk of taking them now outweighs their benefit). This decision has been made on information already available so I think it reasonable to ask before all diagnostic tests are completed. 
    This disease is brutal not only to the patient but to the emotional well being of their loved ones. Take care of yourself x