Dumping - A perfect description!

  • 8 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I'm experiencing dumping on almost every occasion that I eat. First the sweats, then the nausea and increased heart rate and finally the actual "dumping" itself! Does anyone experience this horrible thing after every bloomin meal or is it just yours truly? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi  Bob - How long has this been happening? Have you spoken to your GP about it? I really do think you should.

    fatz x

  • No not yet, I'm still managing to eat with it, still have an appetite too, it's just annoying tbh! Lasts about half an hour 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bilious Bob

    Does it depend on what you eat? If so, make a note and avoid that food. Otherwise, see your GP, OK?

  • Only now and then. There's no warning though. It's mostly late dumping when it happens. It leaves me exhausted 

    Had early dumping once or twice. Fortunately for me, I work from home. I had to take a day off sick leave then. 

    You should speak to your GP/ medical team about this. I really think you should 

  • Hello Bob

    After the Op I had dumping quite frequently and the only thing that helped was keeping a diary, certain foods, full fat milk, cream were a trigger, all breads except glutin free.. Dumping would be 30 minutes to 3hrs after eating. Slowly this did get less and less. I just learnt from a range of sources about dumping and hypos. I can now tolerate semi skimmed milk. 

    Best wishes Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • Hi Jen

    Thanks for the advice. It's weird because I remember you saying about the dairy being a problem and asked my nutritionist about it. She looked at me as if I was mad! I will keep a record like you suggest but have a feeling it's probably related to sugars 

  • Hi bob 

    Yes I know my dietitian was the same, I did say to look I was a faster and a keto eater before all this. I feel it’s definitely the sugars. But yes the way forward is the boring diary at least to get you on your journey. There some good ones on Amazon. How do you find your liquid intake, I just can’t drink as much as I used to.

    Anyway I hope you don’t have to many episodes, they can be exhausting.

    Take care

    Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • I'm okay with keeping my liquid intake up actually. I've always been one to keep hydrated and even in hospital after the operation I was downing the water!