Update on my husband

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  • 53 subscribers

After being diagnosed in December of 2022, having surgery in June 23, chemo radiation in December 23 - January 24 and being told no evidence of disease in March 24. We found out the cancer had returned in his liver and spleen a few weeks ago. He lost 8 or more kg since July 2nd due to vomiting. He has been in and out of hospital with aspiration pneumonia over the past few weeks, and yesterday he died. He was the kindest, most gentle man. The messages I have had from friends have been hard to read, but it’s comforting to know that he made such an impact on those he met. I wish you all the best of journeys through this horrid disease and that your outcomes are better than my husbands. 

  • Thank you so much and I know he wouldn’t however the struggle is unreal. I hate waking up it’s been so hard the last 7 months and I know I am not the only one but I just don’t know how to get on. xxx

  • Hi Ruddo,

    I can only imagine how you must be feeling. As well as losing your partner, you have also lost the support role which you have had over the last 7 months. I don’t know how I would have coped the last 10 months without my wife. This MacMillan site has a section all about bereavement which will reassure you that your feelings are quite normal. You can also contact them on 0808 808 00 00 and they will be able to guide you towards support services available in your area. Please make the call. CB 

  • FormerMember

     Tomorrow, we say Goodbye to my wonderful husband Tony. This picture is of him when we were in the US in May. It has been 2 weeks since he died, it still doesn't feel real. I don't know when I will fully realise that he is not coming home. 

  • I am so sorry to learn that your husband has passed away. 

    There are no words I could say that would ease your pain and your loss. I am with you in thoughts. 



  • Good Evening, I am so sorry to hear your news I lost my partner on the 31 July and it’s hell I don’t even want to get up. There is nothing I can say to make it better. Mt friends try and help but I feel like I have nothing to say at the moment and I found it harder after the funeral. I miss him so much and I am trying to find out if there are any groups to go along to to talk to people going through the same thing. My thoughts are with you xx

  • thank you so much xx

  • Ruddo

    I'm so sorry to hear you lost your beloved partner too. My thoughts are with you 
