Esophageal cancer

  • 23 replies
  • 50 subscribers

I have stage 4 uncurable esophageal cancer and there is no optionforan operation.  I have had 6 cycles of chemotherapy and immunotherapy.  I had a scan after the 4th which showed my tumour had shrunk.  I am having 8 chemo cycles in total then I will continue with immunotherapy only.  A couple of weeks ago I got a piece of meat stuck and it took a lot of drinks and  being sick many times for it to eventually move, it was very scary. I have noticed since then I have to be really careful when eating as things get stuck easily especially bread, has anyone else experience this. I'm wondering if the stuck meat has damaged the esophagus and it needs to heal. 

  • Hi I can only comment on what dads gone thru so far - he had an ng tube put in before treatment started as they said his oesophagus could close up and the ngtube would keep it slightly open - he was managing puréed food initially but ended up with pump feed on then about 4 weeks before the end of treatment he began to swallow better and could manage purée again.  

    now he is 2 weeks post radio and 1 week after chemo meds have ended and he is struggling to swallow anything at all and has alot of thick saliva which he needs to spit out 

    dad had 4 rounds of chemo with 8 chemo tablets a day in between and 25 radiotherapy sessions 

    Sparkling heart

  • Hi

    Yes, I had this problem. The radiotherapy causes swelling in the oesophagus and makes it harder to swallow as treatment goes on. My nurse said it usually lasts a few weeks then calms down again. My tumour had blocked my oesophagus completely so I had a stomach feeding tube fitted, and I syringed Fortisip into it. Part way through treatment I was able to nibble cheesy crackers, but then as radiotherapy progressed, my swallowing got worse again and I was relying solely on the stomach feeding tube again. To my relief it only lasted a few weeks and I was able to start eating small amounts again. 

    Hope that helps. It might be a good idea to speak to your nurse or dietician. 

  • Hi I don’t know if this is useful to you but I read a case study of a lady who had stage 4 incurable and had u debone chemo and immuno for years till one dr offered her cryotherapy which eliminated her cancer and she has now been cancer free for years - I don’t know if this is offered in the uk or on nhs but may be worth looking into 

    good luck with your recovery Sparkling heart