Diagnosis two days ago

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Hi new poster here
I was diagnosed this week after a couple of months of not being able to eat solid food. I was told I am now on the cancer pathway & everything will happen within a 2 week time period - I have ultrasound next week & PET scan soon & the consultant said he is thinking a 'radical' treatment of Chemo 4 weeks time.

I actually feel really good & fit 73 year old & am a gigging musician. Keep positive I guess & good luck to everyone.

  • Hi Karl

    Although this is not the club that anyone wants to join Wellcome!

     It sounds like you have a positive outlook which is a really good start. The term radical may sound a bit drastic and frightening, but don’t let it daunt you. Tests come thick and fast. Chemo may not be as bad as some people fear. The fact that you are fit and positive is great. They recommend gym sessions continue or start asap, some places even have exercise machines for patients to use while having chemo infusions. Fitness is thought to really affect outcomes. 
    I am ten years post radical oesophageal surgery and a similar age to yourself.
    my advice to you is

    • Don’t put your life on hold. 
    • keep fit
    • Don’t lose weight if you can help it. Find things that you can eat and enjoy, like ice cream and custard for instance! Hopefully after starting chemotherapy eating will get easier.
    • keep on playing music that lifts your spirits 
    • live and love
    • stay positive

     Come back and tell us how you are getting on, and ask any questions. There are lots of people here who have been on this journey and can support you through yours.

    Counting the days, making every day count.


  • Hi Karl

    It's amazing how fast things progress once you've been diagnosed isn't it? I swear if I EVER hear anyone knock our wonderful NHS ill knock them out!

    It seems that the tried and tested procedure is 4 lots of FLOT chemo followed by surgery and then four more chemo sessions as a belt and braces way of finishing off.

    Mine starts on Monday, picked up my steroid tablets today and having my PICC line and first chemo on Monday. Wishing you all the very best with your treatment and as Brent says keep as active and fit as you possibly can!

  • Hi Karl74

    great attitude to take just got over breast cancer December now been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer started my treatment last weeks chemotherapy and radiotherapy no operation . The attitude I took with my breast cancer,  I went to the chemo factory  to work when l had my chemo and I called it caring chemo , and kept walking as much as possible and rested and slept when your body told me to , it was hard but it was doable. I got up the same time every morning and went to bed same time every night I will admit I go to bed much earlier now than before my cancer but that’s not a bad thing. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER IT WASHES THE CHEMO OUT.

    TaKe care Jayne

  • Thanks so much Brent - do you know I sort of realised those points instinctively & as I swim in open pool every morning anyway I will live for the here & now.
    Ten years on you - you have given me courage this sunny morning :-)

  • Thanks Bob -yes, I've got ultrasound this week & PET soon to see the extent of the tumour I guess? Then he said Chemo in 4 or 5 weeks. Good luck on Monday!

  • Thanks Jayne - my wife had breast cancer with all the stuff that goes with it.
    For me it's swimming not walking but you words have spurred me on - these boots were made for walkin' sung Nancy Sinatra!! Good luck to you