Awaiting first chemo session

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  • 46 subscribers

I'm finding everyone's information very helpful after my husband was diagnosed with this devastating condition. It's been a long journey to get to where we are now but at last the treatment plan is in place and will hopefully start soon , husband next step is a fitness test on 27th December,  its all been very scarey and we're very keen to get this treatment started .

He'll be having Flot chemo every 2 weeks for 8 weeks followed by surgery.  27th can't come soon enough . 

  • Hi Vonn,

    Sorry that you find yourself in this club. If you've been offered an operation that's great. At least they can rid you if your tumor.

    I'm sure like the rest of us you've been worried at every wait you've had but it sounds as though things are moving forward.

    Although all our journeys differ, you could get some idea from reading my diary. You can do that by clicking on my name or icon. I have recorded my own journey in the form of a diary.

    You have a tough journey ahead together but keep positive knowing there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

    Best regards
