Oesophagitis of new oesophagus

  • 2 replies
  • 46 subscribers


My partner had another dilation yesterday and was told his new oesophagus is inflamed.  The diagnoses on the report states "oesophagitis/other and post-surgical" 

Wondering if anyone knows what the "other" stands for, im worried its coming back again.

it also says "confluent ulceration"

He has to wait for app with surgeon which is worrying as he only gets a phone call now every few months (had op 16 months ago)

Thanks xx

  • Hi SamanthaN

    I hope you do not mind me replying as I had a different type of cancer to your partner. I noticed your post had not yet had a reply. I am sorry to hear that your partner has oesophageal cancer.

    Why not give the Support Line a call and speak to one of the Nurses who would be able to explain the medical terminology to you and you could ask any questions at the same time. The number is below and they are lovely on there.

    If you prefer not to call then you can ask via online chat. I did myself the other day for a quick question and the nurse was great. 

    You could post the question in the Ask a Nurse section but they would normally take 3 working days to respond so it may be best to call.

    Ask a Nurse - Macmillan Online Community

    Hope this helps



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane for the reply, I will try your suggestions, many thank sx