Trouble swallowing after op and dilation

  • 2 replies
  • 47 subscribers


i had my op in October and by December I was having a lot of problems swallowing and I was often sick when eating.  Due to this I had dilation on the 9th January and, although I am no longer being sick, food is getting stuck and I am having to drink to get it down.  It’s not uncommon for me to need a pint of water just to eat a small soft meal. 

I wondered if I should ask for another dilation or if it is a bit soon so not much more than they can achieve. I know I can ask but just wondering what other people’s experience is. 

I am due to start my 2nd round of chemo next week if that makes any difference.

Thank you 

  • Hi my husband had his operation in may last year.  He has had problems swallowing after the first 2 weeks.   He has now had 10 dialations plus a stent fitted and taken out after 5 weeks.   His last dialation was 10 days ago.  He is still having problems.   So is due another dialation next week.   The consultant said they are going to try and do one every 2 weeks as if they leave it longer it just closes up again and they are then starting from scratch.   The last dialation they managed to get up to 12mm.  The aim is to get it to 20mm.  So for me the advice would be speak to your specialist nurse as soon as.  There is always a waiting time before they can fit you in.  Good luck

  • Hi 

    Thank you for your reply, that is very useful and I will contact them today.  I suppose I was hoping it would sort its self out but that’s a bit optimistic! 

    I am sorry to hear how many issues your husband has had and I hope the regular dilations work.