Coughing after oesophagectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Does anyone here cough upon eating and drinking?I'm not too bad when eating but drinking is a real problem, with me coughing straight after drinking. Has anyone got any advice on how to cope with this? I know you're not to eat and drink at the same time but it doesn't seem to matter when I drink it always happens. I had my op on 23rd December 21. Many thanks 

  • Hi, I know it’s a pain but sipping drinks helped me with the coughing, also using a straw helped. If I go out for a meal now and have a drink I just sip it, all my friends have become accustomed to me doing it. We all seem to have odd things we have to cope with after this surgery.

    Good luck 

  • Thanks for your reply. I'll definitely try using a straw to see if that helps. I know it's still early days so hopefully symptoms will get better over time.