Cancer showing up in hip

  • 11 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Has anyone had their oesophageal cancer causing problems with their hip after going through 5 cycles of chemo and immunotherapy?

  • Hi PJR 

    Maybe this is not something that anyone else has experienced, I wanted to answer here to push you post up a bit, just in case someone who has a similar experience missed it. 


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  • Hi PRJ just had results of PET scan today and I have Mets  I knew about one in my lung in November very small new guest in lymph node near trachea as of 3 weeks ago and now one in my shoulder spine and hip all of this over a year after my operation and a great pathology, this disease is persistent going onto XELOX and being tested for Her-2 and possible immunotherapy there going to hit the shoulder met with radiation as it’s causing me pain this part of my journey is just beginning I was pre op T3N2M0 post op T0N1M0 however I was probably T4M2M1 at the beginning as the lung met was too small to light up on the PET at the start in jan 2020 not quite your experience but we are going through it at the same time good luck 

  • Thank you s much Lowe. Seems there is someone out there.

  • Hi Graeme62! First of all sorry about all the mets and the difficulties. Hope the new solutions work. I was on xelux and nivumbab for 5 cycles. Operation was not an option as it was already inliver and lymph nodes. Scan showed shrinkage in esaphogus, disappearance in lymph odes(at least no appearance of lymph nodes nodes and réduction in liver. But all the difficulties with eating and drinking returned tenfold and so did weight loss. Left hip made walking difficult and started using a crutch. The doctor the  Discovered it in the bone so ordered an endoscopy a day pet scan. The dr doing the endoscopy stretched through the opening and found a hernia - it improved things for 2 days, but back to liquids. Waiting for results now and starting radiation on hip. Started new treatment: paclitaxel and ramucirumab.Good luck to you. This was not a good 77th birthday present.  But we are fighting through it.

  • Hi PJR thanks for your post and no not a nice birthday present I was diagnosed at 58 and did have the Ivor Lewis and after a long recovery can eat more or less completely normal so sympathise with your eating issues, I genuinely thought I had beaten the odds and have hesitated to post this because others just starting their journey cold be adversely affected if they read my story however the surgery was very successful and made a huge difference I have just been unlucky everyone is different and I am not done yet so bring it on round 2 ding ding 

  • All the best to both of you. 

  • My dad was diagnosed in June. After the pet scan it showed cancer in the femur of his leg. He is on his 3rd chemo session. Got his scan on the 13th of October.

  • Hi PRJ, my husband has had FLOT, Surgery, FLOT last cycle ending in June. This past month he’s having pains all down his left side, it started with his hip, but he said it’s all over the LHS now. His leg is turned out & he’s had a couple of falls. We were worried he had a TIA but our surgeon thought it was more a case of doing too much too soon. However after seeing a physio and doing daily exercises he’s not showing any signs of improvement. I had actuality come On here today to see if anyone else was having problems with their hips/legs. 

  • Hi Betty I am over a year from my operation and yes I have pain in my hips both at times not sure if it’s a legacy from my FLOT however the chemo can cause all sorts of issues even after treatment has ended peripheral neuropathy for example basically nerve damage so maybe it’s related my current bone pain is due to metastatic spread to my shoulder hip for which I am receiving chemo and immunotherapy, incidentally I read only yesterday there a new cancer killing modified virus producing great results for many cancers but oesophagus cancer was singled out on the new report it’s on the BBC news app under the health/cancer section good luck with your husband’s recovery