Newly diagnosed Oesophagus cancer

  • 130 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Good Afternoon,

I'm hoping you'll be able to help with my lovely Mum's newly diagnosed cancer.

Mum has had trouble swallowing for many years, but had it stretched a few time no problem and managed fine.

However this year the swallowing became worse and a burning feeling in her stomach, after a few mouthfuls of food Mum felt full up. 

Dr's prescribed gaviscon and said it was heartburn. We have been with the same Dr years so he knew us well, and we trusted him. 

A few weeks later symptoms didn't improve so the Dr arranged for Mum to see the gastro team at the hospital. 

Mum was advised to have double cream, and fattening foods to help keep the weight up.

Weeks later no improvement so Mum went back to the Dr, he started her on antibiotics as he thought a fungus could be causing the burning pain.

A follow up appointment came at the gastro hospital. 

Mum had lost weight so she started on ensure milkshakes to add calories.

Mum wrote all her symptoms down and explained about the full feeling. 

Mum continued drinking the milkshakes, but the weight loss continued.

Mum was now bringing up all her food, and feeling very weak.

We weren't able to get a face to face appointment with the Dr but a telephone call.

He arranged for Mum to be seen by the gastro team at the end of October.

Mid September Mum was so sick and very worried. 

We brought her into A&E as she looked terrible, and we were all worried.

They sent her home with more antibiotics and said an appointment with the gastro team was on the system.

That week I spoke to the gastro team secretary and explained Mums symptoms. 

She was asked to come in the next day.

A barium swallow was booked that week.

So the swallow showed a problem, and the next day an endoscopy was carried out.

A 6cm tumor was discovered in Mum's gullet. 

How did all these symptoms not ring alarm bells for the Dr's????

We seen the consultant Friday and he said surgery is not an option? 

Has anyone else had this happen?? 

Please help.


  • Hi Robby

    Good luck with the Laparoscopy - they are likely to do that pre first Chemo and then pre op. It's a short surgery and you maybe able to get home later in the day / early evening. The outcome will then determine the treatment plan as you say as you get passed from Surgeon to your Oncologist.

    Sorry to hear about the burning sensation . I had a hiatus hernia too  Early in my diagnosis one of the specialists suggested a sip of Gaviscon liquid before bedtime - worked incredibly well for me, so maybe worth a try. Either way keep your surgeon/doctors  fully updated , they may have some more meaningful recommendations 

    Great news on the physical / respiratory tests. Keep strong an positive Robby 

    Best Wishes

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Eileen,

    My mum got the feeding tube 2weeks before the stent as she had lost a lot of weight.The plan originally was chemo and radio but due to her being weak and her poor kidney function she has had low dose radio palliative care only. 

    My mum had always been a poor eater and without the feeding tube she would not have enough calories even though she can eat with the stent perfectly well. 

    Good luck Wednesday keep me posted

    Shine27 xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jelliot , How are you doing ? A good day ? We started treatment yesterday , radiotherapy followed by Folfox chemo which is continuing now at home through a diffuser pump . It feels good to be on the "attack" finally and so far symptoms ok and nausea at bay . The eating is a issue though , making us both miserable and although he is maintaining weight I am wondering about the stent ? When you say unpleasant procedure , can you explain a bit more what it is exactly ? ( these are my husbands questions ) I am thinking of you and hope you are keeping your head above water . 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Silverfox65

    Hi Silverfox65,

    I carry a small bottle of Gaviscon liquid around with me in a little dispenser, I note now that i am eating alot less and avoiding the foods that will get stuck like chicken and bread and burning from chocolate, its good training for the inevitable. I do take it and it gives temporary relief, it feels like your breastbone is burning what ever you eat and can take your breath away.

    My laparascopy is for the 8th or 9th next week, disappointed not this week as just want to crack on and see it as another week wasted. I have had conflicting views of taking Gavison and Omperazole which I am taking two a day for, some say don't combine yet my suregon's registrar seemed to think it was ok.

    Enough about me, how are you and the recovery going? You are a positive light for me and I appreciate your support and I do not lose sight of what you have endured to of late.

    Keep the faith,


  • Hi Rob

    That sounds a bit painful , I was lucky not to have too much of that 

    Re the Gaviscon and Omperazole I'd not heard of any issue taking the combination and it worked ok for me, though I had heard long term use of Omperazole wasnt recommended...I mentioned this to my surgeon / dietitian and post op they've put me on Lansoprazole - just 1 fast tab a day and I dont take any Gaviscon at all now :) 

    I'm now coming upto 6 weeks post op, staples/ stitches all out and healing well. It's critical to keep moving / walking when you can, so managing a few short walks within the day - this helps with lung capacity / breathing and of course keeps any DVT issues at bay. 

    After the initial 2 weeks of puree'd foods I can now manage most things the girls are having , providing I can mash with a fork or chew very well.

    The Surgeon and Oncologist are v happy with progress so far and I start ECX Chemo again next week - that's a 9 week course (3 Cycles of 3 weeks - starts with an Infusion day at the Hospital followed by 20 days of tablets ....and then start again ) .

    If you want to talk any time let me know - same thing goes for your wife i.e. if she wants to talk to my wife ?

    Not sure if/ how we can Private Message on here but expect Macmillan maybe able to help.?

    Best of luck with everything - remember to keep your fitness up as much as possible pre op - it makes a huge difference 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Rob

    I just read your post and wanted to recommend soluble paracetamol and you can take two four times a day. My dads upper GI nurses recommended dad had these before eating as it eased the pain. 

    Another good tip is to drink coke while eating, for some reason it helps the food go down. I am guessing it is the bubbles!

    Waiting for the tests is awful and you have my full sympathy. I used to ring up on behalf of dad and pester for cancellations. The staff do not mind they often told me that they would go the same if it was their dad.

    Take care

    Hannah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good Evening Shine27,

    I hope your Mum is getting stronger everyday.

    We met the oncology consultant yesterday who said the best way of treating the cancer is a five day course of radiotherapy. 

    We go in tomorrow for the assessments.

    They hope to start the treatment as soon as possible as Mum is loosing so much weight, and just swallowing Ensure drinks is hard work. 

    Thank you for being a great source of information and support.

    I'll update you tomorrow xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Robby , I am jumping in on this post to ask how you are doing ? My husband was diagnosed mid Sept T3N1M0  and its been a learning curve for both of us since then , massive shock followed by seemingly endless appointments and  tests , and finally he has started treatment which is 5 weeks radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy every 15 days and then if all goes well  the operation in Jan /Feb . I am interested in hearing about  a man going through this  because my husband has never been a great communicator and I know he is scared and frustrated but he cannot voice his fears and we have had some very difficult days because of that . Anyway I wish you courage and strength getting through this arduous difficult time , its shit but it will not be so forever . 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Rob,

    Sorry for jumping on the posts.

    My dad was getting alot of burning and really bad heartburn.Because of the tumour he has trouble swallowing pills and gaviscon just didn't cut it.

    The Drs don't like to tell you, (its quite expensive,I work in a pharmacy )but they can prescribe oral suspension lanzoprozole which you take 1 5ml spoonful a Day,and it has just been a miracle for my dad.

    Wishing you all the best.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi There,

    Many thanks for the heads up, just looking at certain foods I think this is going to cause problems.

    I really appreciate that and dont ever feel like you are jumping on posts, we are all in this together and any help is wonderful. I am glad your dad has got some relief, it's nice to hear good news, keep it coming.

    On this site there are numerous good natured and caring people and I am blessed for this.

    I return your good wishes, 

    Keep in touch
