Hubbys osophegal cancer.

  • 4 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hello,Hubbys cancer seemed to respond well to chemo,now we are told it has spread to liver so no radiotherapy to back up chemo.Also change of hospital ,Doctor is saying immunotherapy isn't suitable either so its just chemo,shocked and numb .

  • I’m so sorry you have had this news. I don’t have the knowledge or experience to comment but send heartfelt hopes for some positive  treatment. 
    Geraldine x

  • I am sorry to hear this  ! I know when I was waiting to start chemo and it was delayed I was worried it would spread, and a change of hospital and doctors can’t be easy. Sending you love and hugs and hope there is a way forward though this Tricia x

  • Thankyou,he had 2 rounds of chemo but because something seen on liver treatment has to change so does hospital.

  • Similar experience to my husband. 1st 2 CT scans after treatment started showed positive results. The 3rd, results shared on 10th Feb, showed increase in tumour again and further spread, including one in the liver. Huge decline since then, trouble swallowing anything, nausea, bloating, pain and crushing fatigue. This week should be the start of 2nd line chemo but this won't go ahead if he doesn't pick up before then. 

    My goodness this is difficult.

    Sending strength and love x