
  • 7 replies
  • 55 subscribers

We finally got the results of the PET scan this morning and have been told there is nothing they can do. I am in shock and beyond devastated. The results show spread to bones, liver and lungs. They won’t even try treatment. I don’t understand why? He went with a friend of his who is a doctor who would have asked all the right questions but still they say nothing they can do. I don’t know what to do I am so scared and in shock 

  • I am so very sorry that you have been given this prognosis. It is the news that all of us on this forum dread. It sounds like you still need some answers though and I suggest that you ask your husband’s friend for more information about what was said and contact your husband’s medical team if you still have unanswered questions. I really feel for you both. This is a truly cruel disease. 

  • same as cool blue butterfly77, give yourself a minute to process everything, and like cool blue said contact your husbands team yourself, with a list before you call.  i can imagine you have so much you want them to explain or answer. 

    were all here to listen and help where we can,  cool blue is so right, this is a really really cruel under the radar type of cancer.  love and hugs jules x

  • So sorry this is not the news you wanted to hear and I’m sure you and your friend are both devastated ! But although they say there is nothing they can do I’m sure he will be given a palliative care plan and once things have settled down you can enjoy the time you have left together. 

    sending hugs 

    Tricia x

  • I'm so so sorry to hear this.

    Sending you love Heart️ always here for a chat with you if needed x

  • Thank you everyone. I am still in shock and finding it hard to cope. I don’t know whether to try get a second opinion or in experience if it has spread to so many places there is nothing anyone can do.  I am so sad this has happened so quickly. Cry

  • Sorry I got more the same.hooe u coping ok

    Ok then good
  • Hope u ok I got liver cerosiss of liver so can't have any treatment and the they found it early 

    Ok then good