Going back to eating !!

  • 4 replies
  • 55 subscribers

I spoke to the oncologist yesterday and he said I should start eating normally and cut my jej night feed down as the chemo seems to have shrunk the tumour, which I am very happy to do, have eaten a couple of small meals today but nothing tastes the same as I remember it !! Is this the chemo or is it because I haven’t eaten for so long ? Everything tastes sour or bitter I also still have this furry feeling in my throat which I have had for a while is this part of the condition ?. Its not the chemo because I’ve had it for a while 

  Any experiences please ! Will it get better the more I eat normally?

Thanks Tricia 

  • Hi Tricia,

    Chemo does play havoc with your tastebuds. Eating became a bit of a chore because I couldn’t taste what I was eating but I just forced myself to keep going as I knew how important it was to keep my weight up. I also found that chemo made my mouth very dry and, like you say, furry feeling. I got through a lot of juicy fruits like pineapple, nectarines and oranges. I also found that using a mild mouthwash helped (couldn’t deal with the normal strength ones) Things started to slowly improve for me once chemo was finished. Hope this helps. CB

  • Pineapple sounds good will give that try Thumbsup

    thank you

  • Great news that you're eating again. Rod uses Biotene mouth wash as it's a moisturising one and Difflam for the soreness in his mouth. He usually loves a hot spicy curry but a single mouthful of one last week sent him into a spasm of agony. Greek yoghurt (with pasteurised milk) and honey and tinned fruit have become his friends. Ice cream too. He is also a huge fan of Soleros. 

    I hope your eating continues to improve but also become more enjoyable.

  • Sorry I have no tips but I wanted to message to say I am so pleased to hear the chemo has shrunk your tumour  and you have been able to eat a little. Heart️‍