Terrified waiting for results - hope for possible polyp

  • 6 replies
  • 55 subscribers

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. First went to GP as had persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing and lost 1 stone in weight. I have been very stressed recently so thought it was down to that but GP did fast track referral to ENT.

ENT referred me for barium swallow and MRI and I had results last week. MRI clear but barium swallow showed a blockage in my upper esophagus at shoulder level. 

Consultant said possibly a polyp but also chance it is cancer. I have read that polyps are very rare and likelihood is therefore cancer.

I'm so scared as upper esophagus cancer seems harder to treat as surgery not always an option.

I have an oesophagoscopy under GA on Tues which will tell me more but the wait is tremendously difficult.

I guess I'm looking for anyone who had similar stories?

I'm a mum to a beautiful 4 year old who is about to start school. 

The only other symptoms I've had are burping (new for me) and night sweats. 

Thank you all in advance.

  • Hi,

    I'm so sorry you're going through this  the waiting is awful. I'd suggest staying off Google. You really won't know anything until Tuesday. I had swallowing difficulties and was referred for an endoscopy where I was diagnosed. Waiting for the rest of the tests to stage it was truly horrible. At this stage you just don't know what it is. Keep yourself busy although I'm sure your 4 year old keeps you very busy. In the meantime I'd suggest staying away from foods like bread and rice and anything you are finding difficult to swallow. Regardless of what it is, you need to keep up your strength.

    Sending you positive vibes.

  • Thank you so much for your reply.

    I'm so sorry about your diagnosis. I've just read your profile and I'm really pleased to hear you are through your treatment.

    I know it's just a waiting game now, I'm just terrible at not being in control. I'm not sleeping or eating which isn't helping anything! 

    Thanks again and best wishes to you

  • Hi,

    I'm like you - I really dislike being or feeling out of control. Just focus on the basics as best you can. I found doing mindless chores was helpful. Although I'm currently resisting doing some today :-)

    Let us know how you get on.

    Take care 

  • Hi Shining Sunflower. Oh you poor thing. You’re right when you say it’s all a whirlwind. I had similar symptoms to yourself but the main thing is you contacted your Doctor and they have fast tracked you. This in itself causes anxiety, but is so necessary. I assume you are having an endoscopy on Tuesday. I also had a spray and a local anaesthetic to numb the area. I was diagnosed pretty much straightaway after this procedure but I also remember the nurse, who I saw before, said it could easily be something else, so not to assume the worst.

    I also think that when our anxiety is so heightened, we notice all sorts of things and our mind goes into overdrive. During the early days I used an app called Headspace. Not something I would usually think of doing, but for me it definitely helped to calm me down, particularly at night time. 

    When you go on Tuesday I assume you are taking someone with you. In the meantime, please feel free to ask anything you want. This forum is full of people who understand how you are feeling. I know it’s difficult, but try to do as much as you can and enjoy your daughter; it will also give you a boost. Take care. Thinking of you. Julie 

  • Hi  . I just came across your post and wondered how you got on with the results?

  • Hi  so I went for the rigid oesophagoscopy and when I came round from GA the consultant confirmed they couldn't find anything at all. No biopsy taken as nothing to biopsy.

    I was discharged from ENT same day as no follow up needed.

    Still unsure why barium swallow showed a lump but I felt almost immediately better in some ways so I have put down a lot of symptoms to stress and acute anxiety. 

    I started taking anti anxiety medication which has also helped symptoms. 

    I hope that helps.

    Sending you best wishes