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  • 57 subscribers

Hi All,

My husband had his first cycle of CAPOX last Thursday and is really suffering at the moment, he has extreme fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea and is feeling so down.

How many days will this last?

Any advice please.


  • Hi Blossom01 

    Like my daughter said Tony is doing much better than last week, that was awful to see him like that. He has good and bad days, he still gets very tired and he still has bad back pain. 

    So sorry to hear your husband is suffering its so awful and upsetting to see them like this I so wish we could take away the pain.

    We just have to hope the chemo is working its magic and better times are ahead.

    I am off work this week so trying to feed Tony up and build his strength up ready for round 2 next week.

    It's a tough and emotional journey for us all.

    How are you doing?

    Take care

    Angie xx

  • Hi

    My wife started her Capox treatment with immunotherapy last week.1st 4-5 days she was tired ,sleeping a lot and not eating proper meals but managing small bites .The last few days she has been eating better Fingers crossedand although still tired at times we have been managing to get out.She has not had to take paracetamol for back pain the last few days which I am taking as a positive sign that hopefully the treatment Fingers crossedis working.She is stage 4 and will have 3 cycles of Capox ,and immunotherapy for 2 yrs.Fingers crossedIt horrendous seeing someone who is most precious to you with this disease and know there is nothing you can do to help them.

  • Hi Kaya86

    I gather your wife tested positive for immunotherapy, my husband tested negative but we are still hoping that something else will become available for him to have alongside chemo. Glad your wife has had some better days, my husband has had a bad day today with back pain. It is horrendous to see your loved one with this terrible disease. I see your wife is only having 3 cycles of capox why is this? Does your wife also suffer with back pain?

    Take care


  • Hi Angie

    How is Tony doing? Is it chemo time again this week? 

    Take care,

    Amanda x 

  • Sorry,got the Capox cycle wrong.Its 6 cycles with 2 yrs immunotherapy.She finished her 1st cycle today and now has a week of rest and recouperation before starting 2nd cycle next week.She managed a Prayll meal last night ,but today is not so hungry.Dats are still up and down,but hoping to get some decent food into her before next treatment starts.PrayHeart️

  • Hi Amanda,

    Tony has been better since last week, yes 2nd cycle is on Thursday we are dreading it, just hope the first few days aren't as bad this time, we are prepared for everything this time though so meds at the ready.

    How are you doing?

    Take care

    Angie xx

  • Hi Blossom01 

    How is your husband doing? 

    My husband had 2nd cycle yesterday had really bad throat spasms again.

    Just hope the side effects won't be as bad as last time.

    Did you get the slow release morphine tablets sorted, my husband is on them now they are better than the oral morphine, his consultant has started him on a new tablet too to help with the sickness and improve his appetite so we will see how that goes.

    You mentioned before about your husbands blood results we never get told these, his consultant said they are just normal bloods before each chemo and we won't know if its working until the CT scan after cycle 3.

    Angie xx

  • Hi Angie

    its been a bad week to be honest, he started having sharp pain at the bottom of his chest near the tumour, it was so bad he moaned every time he moved. I called the hospital emergency number and they said to up the oramorth, so give him every 4 hours and the slow release morphine in the morning and evening. It’s fair to say he has not picked up since chemo three and Monday is chemo number 5. 
    He has got up eaten breakfast done a small job then had to lie down again then eats dinner time but then by 1pm he is back sleeping till tea time, up for tea and back in bed at 7. He decided to stop the slow release morphine because he thought it was that making him tired, he is still in pain. 
    Thursday the doctor called and said he shouldn’t be lying down more than he is up, meaning his quality of life is rubbish so they have decided to reduce the capacitabine by 80% starting next week. 
    His eating has got worse as well, if that was even possible. The doctor told me to get McMillan back but it’s difficult because I don’t see what they can do any different. We don’t get another scan until after chemo six, I wish we knew what it was doing because I feel this would boost him loads. 
    It’s awful to see things get worse, I don’t know if it’s the chemo working or the cancer getting worse, it’s such a worry. 
    I think my husband has tried four different sickness tablets and non seem to help him. In terms of the blood results they are on his table when we go for chemo, it shows everything from thyroid, blood counts, liver function, cholesterol. My husband has not mentioned the muscle spasms. I do hope your husband has an easier month, everyone is different. 
    Thank you for the contact, like you I always seek answers on here and it’s so good to read other people’s journeys.

    i was reading cancer research site last night and it was amazing how many fit 50/60 year old males suffering from this, makes me so sad, but also so nice having people to talk to because no one else can possibly understand what we are going through.


  • Hi Blossom

    How is your husband doing? I hope that things have improved for him.

    Take care,


  • Hi Amanda 

    I would to say they have but since chemo three he has not picked up at all, they reduced the tablet chemo due to his quality of life being so poor but he still hasn’t improved. 
    Today he has stomach pain, sharp when he moves, and a slight temperature. Chemo six is due next Tuesday but I’ll be surprised if they agree. 
    His days are either lying in a chair or in bed, he is so lethargic, hardly eating due to feeling sick and dizzy. 
    Sorry I feel like I should flower it up and make it sound better but I can’t. 
    Fingers crossed he does improve 

    Hope you are well 
