Immunotherapy after operation to prevent recurrence .

  • 3 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Has anybody gone through this or been offered this ? 
iv seen this has been done in other countries . 

  • I've not received this, as not had my op yet. It's something I'd be interested in though, as an alternative to 'mopping up chemo' afterwards (which I'm dreading, as I had a horrible time with the FLOT). My consultant for the op said his preferred post op treatment would be radiotherapy (mine too), but he also said that ultimately it would be the decision of the oncologist. When time comes for me to have my op and discuss post op treatment, I will mention immunotherapy. I'm being treated by Southampton Uni Hospital who are very forward thinking and at the forefront of treatments for oesophagal cancer, so they may have heard of it, and have an opinion. I will report back when I've seen them again.

  • Hi Mark b

    I can't say I know anything about Immunotherapy after an operation, but I can tell you that it is Immunotherapy that has kept my husband with me for the past three years... 

    I think if this is something you are being offered, it may well be worth a serious possible consideration. 

    Good Luck 


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  • Nicky

    It might be worth asking your oncologist whether your are HER2 positive or negative, I am not sure if Immuno can now be used on patients who are negative.. so it might be a good thing to find out. 


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